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lp johnny

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Posts posted by lp johnny

  1. Guys..if you do venture out ..please watch the roads..they are in very poor condition..huge potholes..cracks..uneven areas..due to the recent snow clearing efforts.

    I drive around town all night..and have seen 4 or 5 cars pulled over on 270 at a time changing tires...those holes would swallow a bike. Lots of grit around as well..

  2. I live very close to where the accident occured...I have to drive by there every day..

    It's a very bad setup...Gender Rd, right past Winchester Rd, goes down to one through lane... one turns into a right turn lane..cars slice and dice to get into the lane they need. The rider was most likely on the outside lane to go straight and the cars turning right were blocking the view of the car(hiding the rider) that pulled out on the MC.

    Very sad...RIP

  3. I get cut off..about run in to..pulled out on..passed just to have the person hit the brakes and turn..and that's in the big truck...If they can't see or have no regard for a big white tractor trailer..how can they be trusted to pay attention so something as small as a bike..I try to ride in an open space..you can speed up or slow down..just away from the crazy cagers.Everyone should have to spend a week in a big truck and on a bike before they get their license...jmho

    RIP Rider

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