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Posts posted by Kahooli

  1. Joined while back figured it was time for an introduction. Me: easy going, but not easy. I have no patience for stupidity or prejudice..since I am a intelligent albino african american lesbian trapped in a mans body. Sarcasm, I give and receive.

    How dare you be prejudiced against skanks.


  2. Good luck welding your bike back together. If you want your bike to be fixed the RIGHT way, go talk to this Shervin dude on ZX10r.net, he's like a world class engineer, and can do ANYTHING!!

    Yeah man, just cover the water pump hole with a plug. You don't need it anyway. Think about it, now you're saving a lot of weight that was slowing you down in the corners. Your wheel spun out because you didn't have enough transmodial force keeping you bike up. Lose the weight and it'll increase the gravital morphology of the front end, resulting in an increase of transmodial force on the rear. It all works out for you in the end!@

    Talk to shervin for some awesome ram air mods and frame lightening.

  3. get it straight buddy i was riding it for three hours BEFORE it went down, and it was in perfect condition before it went down.

    Oh shit son, I wish I had 3 hours of riding time under my belt... I wonder how many trackdays you got in that time.


  4. has to be a troll. I can't believe no one called him out on this post:

    his bike is leaking coolant and oil, and he's running/revving the engine, and clicking it through the gears?

    Somehow i doubt a guy who has owned a bike for 3 hours has a rear stand, so that means he was RIDING a crashed bike that's pissing antifreeze and oil right in the path of his rear tire!?

    As I see it, the OP has 2 options:

    1) post a picture of the damaged bike with a note in the shot that says, "Redkow is a skeptical asshole," and we'll call you a retard for, well, for being a retard, but we'll have a lot more helpful information.

    2) refuse to post the pic proving this is legitimate, and be exposed as a (pretty uncreative) troll.

    I had to read through 10 pages just to see you beat me to that conclusion.

    Troll is exposed, dude went home crying.

    Also... I think it's hilarious he said :

    I will post more pics in a few minutes, i just got this Gixxer and have wrecked it only having it for 3 hours sucks, but those three hours riding had be addicted for life and i dont want to give up on it, Im sure its fixable.

    Dude isn't even riding. He's pointing the bike in a straight line and cracking the throttle... Yeah that's loads of fun.

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