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Everything posted by everoblivion2005

  1. Make what incense? I have a bunch of Nagchampa i get it from a store called Nirvana in the mall
  2. Freakin Wrillo, I go to grab another beer and he jacks my keyboard and meow's at people. I'll edit all those posts
  3. AAAAnnnnnyyyywayy, I'm a few beers deep so i'm gonna bench myself for a bit.
  4. be careful cause Wrillo Will back it up and he ain't no slouch.
  5. Soooooo about Tomcat being pissed at certain people......
  6. :lol:v:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  7. yea i took care of one of those the other day. their nipples get big, and their stomach does too. it happens rarely in people too. easy solution for the dog is............ Spay her. and for people well if your not contributing positively to the gene pool.......... same treatment.
  8. yea thats when dave played a blind black guy who joined the KKK. Dave Chapelle brings his dogs into my petsmart pretty frequently in real life he's pretty damn funny as long as you treat him like a regular person.
  9. And I said let there be life!! Out of the crypt stepped the year dead thread!!! sorry all i just saw the topic and got steamed. Wrillo and i both have Pits so i think we both feel the same way. and my first post wasn't trying to say that those listed dogs should be on death row (except maybe the pug... jk.)i was just pointing out that if we're looking at AGGRESSION as the catylist to the argumant against pit bulls then its unfounded. yes when a big powerful dog bites you its gonna hurt more than an ankle biter but that goes back to the point of; "Well why don't we kill anything that can kill a human?" anyway, thats my stance and i don't think any can argue, the dogs owner is more at fault than the dog. thats why my little guy has been around other people and dogs and children as much as possible since i rescued him. It does still make me mad though that the other day someone came up to pet Buell and asked "aw, is it a lab?" I looked him square in the eye as his hand got slobbered on and said "no he's a Pit Bull" the man removed his had took a step back and said "Oh, Really? I didn't realize, with the tail and ears." Buell's ears and tail are natural and not cropped. this idiot didn't even know what the animal he feared freaking looked like.
  10. so yea, I have a Pit and I work in the Dog Grooming business. Here is my list of dogs who have bitten me the most and are the most agressive. 1.Welsh Corgie (Bitten in the face, hand, leg, and arm...... What makes them bad is that they give no warning of an attack, its calm then oh crap where's the super glue) 2.Dachshund (bitten in hand and arm shows aggression and can twist like a damn pretzle to bite) 3.Pug (......Insane) I've groomed Pitts, Rotts, Hybrids, Dobes, Shar-pei's, Huskies, Labs, Neufies, Bernards, Wolfhounds, and so on and never been bitten by any but the ones listed, and thats across the breeds, i was bitten by 6 different Corgies, there is only one that i will groom and its an angel, Weiners are mean as hell across the board, Pugs........ oh my god they are insane the only reason their only number three is because their jaws are so usless that they heven't been able to get to be but i've got scars from their claws. the other small breeds, (ie; Chiwa, Shiba-Inu, Yorkie, Shih-Tzu, etc) are fifty fifty some good some bad. but there you go, from someone who deals with animals every day
  11. Is the white one from the Hillsboro breeder, i went to look at hybrids there. speaking of hybrids the color on the second one looks wolfish, right on!!
  12. Prayers are with him. I'll let my family know too. Hope the kid pulls through
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