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Everything posted by TinyTim

  1. Good luck getting back on the bike again, and I hope you can give that rear brake a chance. I started on a FZR600, and went down on day two after grabbing a fistful of front brake coming out of a corner and into a stop sign. Took me a while to regain my faith in the front, but I did. Heal soon!
  2. My first long ride was picking up my first bike (92 FZR600) which was 60 miles away. First 30 miles were back roads, next 30 highway. I hit the highway around 9, temps had dropped to the 50's. Made it home and proceeded to shiver for the next couple hours. I remember a lot of fear (especially when I passed a semi), but that went away after a while. Now the highways are just boring.
  3. I started on a Yamaha FZR 600, I have seen a few of those on craigslist too. Other than the FZR, +1 for the SV650
  4. I am 6'1" and started on a '92 FZR 600. It worked out well for me and had more than enough power.
  5. Thanks you for welcoming me to the site! I picked up a 99 R6 the other night, the battery is toast and there may be some issue with the cooling system, but even still it should be a great deal. The manual arrives monday, and I hope to get it in good working order in the next week or two (I am hoping to only have to replace the thermostat and battery, but I get to find that out next week). I can't wait to ride with you guys!
  6. I am surfing craigslist every day, hanging out at dealerships on the weekends, and putting money away each week. I am looking for a Yamaha/Honda/Suzuki 600cc frontliner, preferably fuel injected, 99 and up. I have 3k now and I am open to suggestions. So yeah, right now lots of thoughts and hopes, not much reality. I am hoping to pull enough money together fast enough to be riding again by my birthday (I think I can do that). If you have any ideas let me know!
  7. it's too bad that sportbike=hooligan over here... I definitely got a few odd looks in NH, but in general most people were pretty understanding. Of course UA does seem to be a bit more conservative than the town I lived in in the "live free or die" state.
  8. Yeah, I can't wait to see how the soccer mom neighbors react to a bike being around (especially a inline four screamer ).
  9. I am currently in Upper Arlington, my wife needs to be close to the school because she is in the Veterinary program.
  10. Wife is doing a grad degree at OSU, and I found a good job out here. New England was growing a little old (pace out there is a little too fast) and the people out here are wonderful.
  11. I was not on NESR, just FZRarchives (started on a 92 FZR600). I was up in Hanover, NH for a while finishing up school and that was where I started riding (mostly in the white mountains). Before that I spent some time at school in Maine, and grew up in Connecticut. I wish I had enough to give you a decent offer, but all I've got is $3000 right now (fresh out of school and all that). If you feel like giving away your bike for that much let me know! I'll let you know if things change come tax return time.
  12. My name is Tim, I moved out here from New England last April and I finally have enough cash to get back into riding. I am looking forward to meeting you guys, and getting back on a sportbike ASAP:D.
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