I got the White Shepherd from a breeder outside of Dayton, I for get the exact person. But it was east of Dayton. ETA. The last name of the breeder was Engle.
I got the AC556 when I still lived in MI, and then I sent in the other form 4s the 3rd week of Feb. so it only took two months. I am also waiting on some suppressors from Vances, so hopefully they are/will be done soon. But they never call so you have to show up to see.
Hello everyone, Moved to Columbus recently, looking for a place to shoot my machine gun, prefer that you dont have to be a member. Any places that anyone knows of? Thanks:)
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself. Just started riding thanks to fellow member Dubguy85, who helped me find my bike I purchased today. 1998 Yamaha FZR 600