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Posts posted by drey4211

  1. for the sake of focusdave, we should keep this thread clear of crap talk about middletown... if they keep their promise and take care of it, we dont have reason to talk crap about them (other than taking a bit of convincing to do the right thing)

    if they don't, let the flame fest begin.

    but til then, dave is still basically at their mercy, so we should help him as much as possible.

    I agree with that.. what was said is not for this post. good luck buddy but word of advice dont trust so easily.

  2. my buddy is in the academy and one of the cadets told me that they are illegal so thats why the question popped up. his reasoning is that you cant really tell the cop whats legal or not and even if i would be right i dont wanna waste my time fighting the ticket in court. you may have had a cop that wasnt worried about the minor stuff. obviously its not the brightest idea to listen to music while riding because you cant hear anything but besides all that i still enjoy a good tune while riding

  3. hey my names Andrey i moved from nj to dayton in september and picked up an r6 in october of last year. i dont know a lot of people here besides my roommate who also bought one recently. i think hes on this site already. its my first bike but not my first time riding. it gets a little boring riding by yourself sometimes so i figured if i see some cool events or things of that nature and maybe meet some good people it wouldn't hurt. thats really all about me.

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