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Posts posted by KillinTime

  1. +1 on the motion agtivated light, then put a speaker near the door on a few second delay from the light, and record the sound of a shotgun getting racked...

    they see the light come on, and hear the shotgun...they will likely move on quickly...


  2. It was ok, didn't care for it too much. I went to see another movie and it was sold out so I was forced in to seeing this. So that might have something to do with why I didn't care for it that much.

  3. I went out riding around pretty much all night. Stopped by KilKare since I had quite a few friends out there. But not much action around here, unless you know a lot of bike people. I live in the Centerville area and never see many "groups" of bikes, just individuals riding alone.

  4. I think I may know the place you went to. But if your talking about a wheel shop on Gateway Circle there are like 15 of them back in that little plat. My dad knows the owner of one of the places back there.

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