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Everything posted by DudeAbides

  1. We will see how the day goes, but I may not make it out tonight.
  2. wow that sounded really feminine, queer.....
  3. bastards, you always decide to pick on me nights i decide to drink.
  4. Yeah, Id post in more threads but the NSFW threads are a no go, I'm not wasting a fully capable hand typing.....
  5. Oddly you post in just about every thread I even consider reading, and I read almost every post in said threads, so yeah, you could say that.
  6. I'm slowly stealing him away from you Miller, you fail.
  7. Taste of Cincinnati dood. Everyone gathers in a crowded street to eat the same things they could get any other day of the week but choose not too.
  8. yeah, but you are sticking to back roads around dayton this weekend, true?
  9. What's wrong Blake, no longer starting your free time post with "Hay Matthew, I'm gonna be home all alone between....."
  10. i was entertaining this idea but I'm going to the Reds/Indians game Saturday night. If you get a group together I'd be interested.
  11. i bought my Honda a year ago this month, Ive put down 11k in that year, with 4k of it being this year alone so far, but I ride it everywhere.
  12. im not giving away secrets, im grooming apprentices.
  13. i hope that post isn't a list of your fetishes there luke....feces, toys, facials and fisting?
  14. JDog, if you are free friday around noon or so give me a call/text 5135351901, ill show you the route we take, that or explain it to you, which ever. I for one am not fond of funding police banquets that I don't get invited to, so I'm taking it easy over the weekend.
  15. I disagree, the fact that information is so readily available and can travel so quickly may make it seem that way, but this is not an instance of the world going in any direction other than what it already is. Our "justice systems" eminent failure on delivering true justice in this case would be an instance of the world going to hell in a hand basket. As disturbing as this story may be there are much more gruesome stories from much earlier times in human history, you don't really think that all of the medical advances through the ages were do to research on willing subjects do you?
  16. How convenient, for you and the saying....
  17. That supposed to be some kind of a fat joke seeing as its an XXL???
  18. Posted below is a link the the jacket. I've worn it maybe a month, its too big and bunches in the front on me. It's an XXL, it is the black/red, its never been down, no smells, clean all the bugs off of it and it would be great. I would like to get around 200 for it, but Im not set on anything. http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=2542
  19. So are you wanting to meet or what dave?
  20. yeah, i take back what i said about the white being too much, go white.
  21. the talk is trading his black wheels for a set of white wheels, hes not having any rims recolored, just trading sets.
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