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Everything posted by DudeAbides

  1. Yeah mark, come on out! These guys actually make it pretty hard to feel out of place, matt will be telling you about tires and safety and how long he's been riding and miles on his bike in no time.
  2. yay, provided things stay the way they are, Ill be riding friday, same old bike, same broken shit, but able.
  3. why do you set up jokes like this, I can already see the post with "nate" and "matt's vagina" used in the same sentence.
  4. of course you'll be bringing the HUMMER OF DOOM, I dont see how you could come and leave your mouth at home....
  5. wow, i feel like i just had my temp taken anally with both the doctors hands on my shoulders....
  6. Looks good, but then again I just wrecked mine Friday, and I'll still have grass in the cracks of the fairings until the end of the season.
  7. post Mother Lover if anything....
  8. If I don't have a bike by then I'll cage it. I plan on moving that friday, but if I get parts I will just have to put that off a day.
  9. Moral support from these guys is ball busting.
  10. Im going to guess they'll keep riding what they always have, this guy.
  11. if you haven't noticed, most of the threads we start are, and thanks.
  12. your bike is under warranty son....but it doesnt matter to me. I probably won't have my parts for next weekend anyways.
  13. thanks for making that clear matt. i would totally buy rearsets without the pedals when all i really need to begin with is the fucking pedal.......twat.
  14. yeah, 65 for the shifter and they could have it in by Friday. I've got to transfer some funds monday, but I'm just going to order rearsets.
  15. Thanks man. Not sure what I'm going to do yet, getting the bike back on the road comes before another jacket.
  16. Haha, dickhead, matt keeps texting "what time we riding today?" Thanks luke, Ill let you know if I need any help.
  17. thanks for the offer
  18. i should go body surf down my driveway and then throw my arm in a sling, nothing like a little sympathy lovin...
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