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Posts posted by DudeAbides

  1. Who gives a fuck. She got caught in the moment and raged a bit. It happens. Big damn deal. I applaud her for having the balls to say it knowing she was being taped, watched and gonna be picked a part over it.

    Finally, someone that doesn't think athletes are anything but human.

  2. Since you didn't answer the question & just went straight for the personal insults....... It's obvious now why you're supporting her on this

    Good luck with those anger management classes

    No, I do not go ape shit on bosses or HR at the drop of a hat.

    Seeing that you consider those personal insults answers why you were offended by her behavior.

  3. So you threaten your bosses & HR people in the heat of the moment?

    I think you miss the point, or maybe I miss the point. You are perfect, in every way, you are perfect, Serena and I can only aspire to reach the likes of you one day. People from all walks of life fuck up all the time, but not you my friend, you stand alone.

  4. Daammn :nono: I actually feel bad for you guys

    Tressel's been a hell of a coach for OSU, but he chokes on the big game just like Cooper used to choke on Michigan

    Cooper didnt choke against michigan, he never understood the tradition and history behind that particular game, to him OSU may as well have been playing Troy instead of michigan.

  5. I don't understand people's disappointment in athletes when they get emotional or vent during a game. They are just as human as anyone else. Are they supposed to be professionals? Yes. Does this make them perfect? No, just better at what they do than you are.

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