Maybe someone could show these to Professor Gates. Chris outlines a few simple rules to not get your ass kicked by the Police. Professor Gates missed the "STFU" rule. (and possibly the "get a white friend" rule) Cops show up at Gates' house right after he got back from an international trip. The house had already been broken into before this incident, as Gates stated he was having trouble with the door. Cops asks for ID and Gates shows a Harvard ID. Huh? Mistake #1. Show your f*cking driver's license or passport, that shows your address. If he's done nothing wrong, what's he afraid of? Cop calls Harvard Police to see if they recognize him. I see nothing wrong with that. When the cops eventually start leaving, he just starts yelling at them. Yell at the cops at your own peril. You want the cops gone? Say "Thank you, have a good day." I find it quite interesting so far that you don't hear about any of his neighbors sticking up for him. Except for his 'peeps, Obama. (what an idiot -- wont even bother with that, other than to say I bet a bunch of otherwise normal white moderates and liberals are rolling their eyes and beginning to see what they voted for.) wu tang! -Dave