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Everything posted by columbusfzr

  1. +1 on five guys! Awesome burgers and fries
  2. Sorry that the bikes haven't been recovered yet. The guy who owns the guy actually came out to my house - he seemed like a good guy...Hopefully he gets his sh*t back
  3. columbusfzr

    free air?

    The Shell @ the corner of Sawmill/Snouffer used to have free air, now it's 75 cents. I've had to start paying. I hate having to try to fill my tires in my truck because I'm afraid the compressor will kick off when im on my 3rd tire
  4. Anyways, thanks for the replies, I'm glad that over a thousand people were able to look over this AD, hopefully it keeps at least one of you guy's/girl's out there from getting your SH*T stolen. Lock it up when it's not in the garage, and remember, it's not safe regardless of where you park it. I'm headed home to talk to my neighbors and see if any of them saw the thiefs dump my bikes last night.
  5. I've only accused one person of stealing my motorcycles. This was the guy that fits the description given in a craigslist AD and also given by my neighbor that had seen the guy leaving my court with my bikes (Big/Fat white guy in a full size white truck). I talked to a CPD officer who told me that there was a known issue with drugs a few streets over. I drove over and what do I see? A big white guy standing next to a late-model full size dodge. Later that night I talked to a few of the neighbors in the court and asked them about the guy. I asked if they might have seen him coming home w motorcycles, or if they had seen him doing anything else that's unusual. Of course, 1 of the neighbors I talked to just happened to be "friends" of his. They said he wasn't a thief and didn't have any interest in talking to me. When I left the court, I went home and parked my truck, started walking inside, and I noticed that those same guys (his friends) followed me home and they were turning around in my court. I talked to a few people, and from what I heard this guy is a drug dealer and apparently not someone you want to fu*k with. I let it go and I decided to just keep an eye out at his house for the white truck, open garage, and anything to confirm that he has my bikes. I kept driving past his house and watching over things (he lives in a court) and about a week and a half ago I was driving down his court, turned around and went home. Shortly after I got inside I heard a knock at the door, of course, it's the guy that I suspected of stealing my SH*T. He told me that he heard a guy with a mohawk was asking around about stolen bikes and that I thought he did it. He basically said that he works for a living and isn't a thief. I told him that he fits the description given, and I told him that I think he has my bikes.....He said I could come check his garage if I didn't believe him. Anyways, This guy is really grimey and could pass for a criminal/drug dealer and his from what I noticed in my month of surveillance/driving by his place, his friends across the street always have different people over, and there always seems to be people coming and going.... Last night, out of the blue, my bikes are thrown out in the street like garbage. The only person that would have any reason to return the bikes to me at my house, would be the person I accused. If it were anyone other than the guy accused, they would have dumped them at some other random place. Or they would have scrapped them. Sorry, But I refuse to believe that the thief/thieves involved brought them back out of the goodness of their hearts. I just think they decided that they don't want to have to worry about myself/the Columbus Police watching over their shoulders. I think that with or without my help, these guys will be punished - Sorry for the long post, just needed to VENT!
  6. I'll be doing some more "recon" work - hopefully I can get the Columbus Police interested in the suspect and they can find something to arrest him with.
  7. Haha I have a Great Dane, any other advice?
  8. I had one suspect in mind. He lived a few streets over and matched the description given by one of my neighbors. Everyday I was driving up and down his street hoping to catch him with his garage door up. I confronted him about it about a week and a half ago, he denied it. Now they magically appear. Im just glad I was persistent about it
  9. Yep! Both bikes were just laying on their sides in the exact same place they were stolen from...I pulled into my court and thought "what the hell is that in the street?"...I almost SHAT my pants when I noticed they were my bikes.
  10. Sorry to hear about this man. I had my 2 bikes stolen about a month ago in the Dublin area....I would make sure your friend talks to all of his neighbors, also, Print "reward" posters and post them everywhere... Good Luck
  11. UPDATE!!!!!!! Both bikes are now safely parked in my garage! I came home last night at 12:30 and both bikes were dumped in the street. According to an officer I had spoken to (to drop the stolen bike report), they had been there since at least 8:00. I'm just happy to have my bikes back! I can take my parts out of storage and put them back on the Fizzer!
  12. Like I said in the previous post, these bikes would not have been mistaken for garbage. They were both clean bikes. It's not like I had frames laying out at the curb on their sides. The bikes were both on their stands, wheels attached, etc. They were stripped of plastics/carbs. The person who took these bikes (wether they took them for parts, to scrap, or to part out) knew that they were "stealing" the bikes.
  13. Thanks - I'll contact you after work @ 8:30
  14. As far as the scrappers theory, the bikes were parked side-by-side on the street near the curb. They weren't sitting out where you would toss your trash cans or recycling bin. The bikes were definetely stolen, no way they would have been mistaken for junk/trash. Someone either stole them intending on scrapping them for a couple hundred bucks, or to part-out. I'm still looking into the only solid lead I have (the guy lives a couple streets over), in the mean time I may buy this... http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1166478323.html I think that would be a sweet/cheap bike to finish this season with
  15. +1 on monster.com, indeed.com, dice, etc. I posted my resume' with no real work experience and had at least one call a day. Good Luck
  16. haha - that's one option - we'll see how this works out first.
  17. Update! I have a suspect in mind. Anyone have full coverage insurance and lo-jack installed? I know it's a long-shot, but I'd like to try to "bait" this guy and see if he bites. PM me if you can help...
  18. Thanks for keeping an eye out for the bikes guys, still no word on anything. $500 reward still up for grabs
  19. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1157797810.html
  20. Thanks guys, i'll keep you updated and let you know if I hear anything from either the columbus police detective (I'm sure he's working hard on this) or from my craigslist post
  21. I know it's not much guys, but there's now a $500 reward on the table
  22. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1157589901.html You guys know anything about this? This sounds too familiar
  23. Thanks - it's driving me crazy - I've been to every gas station from Polaris to Dublin to ask if they had seen a white pickup with 2 bikes in the back...I just want her back!
  24. I rule the J wing! But Seriously, let's find these bikes guys! Gregg and I are considering a stake out
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