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Posts posted by bdruggan10r

  1. personally, I have no problem with someone taking a knee on a corner as long as you are not flying when you do it. (Some of you know what I do for a living and where.) Its not stunting and not dangerous If you know what you are doing. I, however, am in a minority in my views on this.

  2. The pipe sits well off to the side of the tire. No chance of it rubbing the tire.

    As for quality control, I did have some of the rivets fall out. I had the back pressure plates closed off to much and created to much heat in the can. I called HR1 and I sent the can back. They reconditioned the can and sent it back with no cost at all. Looked brand new and left the plates open. No issues.

  3. Gonna pass just for the gun and case and mags. I found pro Arms selling the rra 16" with 5 mags tact case and a gg&g buis for 850. Good luck.

    Oh thanks, that was helpful in my desire to sell this. :wtf:

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