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Everything posted by thebbbusa

  1. I got a buddy interested in a new ZX-6R, where is the best place in Ohio to buy? In checking the www, none of the local shops appear to have any leftover bikes, so I guess I am looking for where we can get the best deal out the door. I know of these places, feel free to rate. But what else is there withing an hr or two of Cols? Honda NW Hinds Motorsports ASK Powersports Toledo East Powersports
  2. Have a good time...I know the owner.
  3. Sounds like everyone had a great time. How many turned out? How many dyno runs were done? Any pics? Vids?
  4. We do have vests....don't all clubs? We are still different than most though. Check out the website.
  5. Dayum. I wanna be there...we'll see.
  6. How often do you guys have these Dyno Days? Dunno if I can make it, but sounds like a blast!
  7. Exactly....someone understands....and he wasn't even there. LOL Thanks for the love folks.
  8. Yeah, posin' for the picture....out in the middle of nowhere. Naw, my bike don't turn. Thx for all the welcomes!
  9. 19 pages is a lot to sift thru...Can someone tell me if we had to pre-register to: Just do the dyno? And how many people are gonna be there? Feels like it's gonna be big?
  10. Haha, nice. Actually, I posted my intro in here, then realized it was 'his' intro, so I edited it to a Welcome...and made my own...I see you found that too. :grin:
  11. Ok ok, so I finally joined here too... Hi. My name is thebbbusa (here and every other board) and this is how I roll:
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