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Posts posted by baghli

  1. hey, whats up neighbor ??? i'm a little closer than you think. i actually live on maumee toledo border, rite off off anthony wayne trail. i would be interested in going cruising with you, but unfortunitly my daughter has a horse riding competition this sat., but would like to meet up anytime ! christopher

    theres a meet going on later sat night. we r riding outta the mejier parking lot ofa reynolds on maumee around 7 or 8 (hasnt been decided yet) then a bunch of the toledo guys r meeting at steak n shake right there so hopefully u can make it to that. meeting at steak n shake at 9 if u dont wanna preride.

  2. :nono: Too many newbs with freakin' attitudes on here lately. What ever happened to layin' low 'til you've been around awhile before you start makin' waves? This is why I'm not convinced all this growth on here lately's a positive thing. Maybe it's just me....But it feels like the dynamics changed on here over the last year.

    As far as you tellin' us what makes sense on our board.....We actually came up with the "both" scenario to prevent people from postwhoring like you just tried, to get around the 50 post minimum......So I guess it was pretty smart on our part after all, ehhhh?!?

    What's that old saying about "You can polish a turd, but it's still a turd"? You can pay your $10 to get around the site minimums.....But you've already made your first impression on some of us. And $10 certainly won't make me view you in the same light as WhoDey

    wow! u really need to chill out dude... i wasnt postwhoring but if thats what u c it as then so be it. i wasnt trying to tell u how to run anything it was just a suggestion... im sorry if it offended u... im glad how me asking 1 simple question has turned into all this... sheesh

  3. Are they "foamed"? How much air gets around them, into your eyes?


    no they're not foamed... not that much. it has never really bothered me unless im going at insanely high speeds which id be wearing a helmet if i was doing that most of the time anyways. mine r pretty beat up but if u want i can mail them to u to try out for a few days... there r better 1s than what i have but the other ones look stupid on my face so i didnt get them. (lets here the jokes lets go lol)

  4. i got a cheap pair from honda east here in toledo. the brand is bomber and they ran me like $15... well worth it! they have them in all sorts of colors and a few different designs and u theres no decrease in peripheral vision! oakley makes a few good ones too from what ive seen but i dont have any personal experience with oakleys on bikes... now that i think about it i have a ducati edition oakleys somewhere damn it... if i find them ill let u know if they r any good.

  5. :lol: yea admin can only change it or i would have done it last night just to see how long it took you to realize it hahaha

    lol i think i might of noticed it when i tried to log in and it told me my user name was invalid... idk though, sometimes i am pretty blonde so i mighta not even caught it there... lol, can u change where it says "member" for me? or can only mods and admin change what it says there?

  6. i think only admins can change names. could be wrong.

    also, consider that they could change it to whatever they wanted and not necessarily something harmless like "new guy"

    perhaps they'll change it to something less tongue in cheek and more... dick in cheek. think of the possibilities.

    haha thats what i thought but KK was hinting he wanted me to change my name... lol and im sure the admins and mods can change my name to what ever they want... its just a name so it doesnt really matter lol... besides that would be kind of childish... KK, feel free to change mine to new guy! i put in my signature but thts all i can do.

  7. it's the way of the world...accept it, move on, and once you get some time in, you can haze the newbs a bit...

    all in fun

    lol i get it... im not upset... i just had something to get of my chest... lol, ur all making it sound like im super mad and now hate everyone that is giving me a hard time... not at all... im just playing the lil game lol...


    You've been here two days and you're already making fun of a moderator. You definitely won't have the same rights and privileges as him.

    lol, read above.... but i was only making fun of him coz he was giving me a hard time... i would that he understood i didnt mean anything personal by it just like im sure hes just fucking with me n doesnt mean anything by his statements lol

    thats the thing....... we are just picking on you. no biggie dude

    and KK i know man! lol, im just picking back now! im seriously not the slightest bit upset or even phased by any of this.... its all in good spirit! i was just playing and i know u guys r too.

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