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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I worked there from the day I turned 18 until the day they closed the doors. The place was a blast to work at! Vendors Comp'd all kinds of shit. Sell 5 of these this month, you get one FREE! Soo many good memories from that place. Their inventory is what killed them, IMO. They had 5 price ranges of each thing, then 2-5 examples at each price point. The Warehouse was HUGE!!!! Damn... dem teenage memories :lolguy: KillJoy
  2. Mine was a 1984 Ford Escort L. My Dad got it from a family friend for $250. Drove it for a year and sold it for $500. :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. #4, when it is spun, do those things flail out? Some type of hone? KillJoy
  4. Use THIS daily. The stuff REALLY does work! My hands used to get soo bad in the Winter..... Now, rarely, if ever! :thumbup: KillJoy
  5. THIS + THIS = $405* + Shipping and Tax :ninja: KillJoy *You get what you pay for...
  6. KillJoy

    Hardcore Heroin

    Just finished the Episode. Wow.... just wow! I am happy I live in my bubble. KillJoy
  7. KillJoy

    Hardcore Heroin

    We are 27 mins into the DVR'd version.... All I can say is DAMN! USA??? KillJoy
  8. KillJoy

    Hardcore Heroin

    Set to record..... Damn me for being sheltered.... I did not know it "was a thing" here... KillJoy
  9. The Plantain Café has good food, if you like Cuban eats... :thumbup: KillJoy
  10. This guy.... :thumbup: KillJoy
  11. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=223&pictureid=7970 I am near Hilliard Rome & Roberts in Hilliard, you can come and pick both up. I will NOT separate. KillJoy
  12. KillJoy


    This is why we no longer shop Walmart... we just head across the street to Meijer. :thumbup: KillJoy
  13. Now.... go park it in a parking garage Downtown :gabe: KillJoy
  14. KillJoy


    Less Overhead = Less Cost As long as you do not need a specific brand, and are okay with a varying selection, Aldi WILL save you $$$$ over other stores, even Walmart! :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. I Hear.... "Show me what I can do, here is my budget." You go for that upper Budget... I do not. KillJoy
  16. Just because you have a 4 figure budget, does not mean you HAVE to spend it. KillJoy
  17. No transfer fee on a Lower from Vance's..... :thumbup: KillJoy
  18. THIS + THIS = $500 AR :ninja: KillJoy
  19. Chick can drive!!!!! I doubt there is a better driver on The Ring than her!!!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  20. KillJoy

    CR Cooks

    I like to cook...... I have gotten smoking Chicken and Pork down decently. Beef...... not so much. I refuse to post pics, because they never do it justice. KillJoy
  21. ...doesn't look like any I've seen... KillJoy
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