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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. www.kingston.com EZ PZ install. Just make sure the PC is powered OFF (or unplugged from the wall, just to be safe ) :thumbup: KillJoy
  2. It is over 1M now. KillJoy
  3. KillJoy

    i need a poll

    Chin Pubes: http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/54/l_f2231f828efc422ebc5e0d142629273d.jpg No Chin Pubes: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng7fXOLRII/AAAAAAAAASs/8iZf1Zs8YuU/s400/thug_douche.jpg KillJoy
  4. KillJoy

    i need a poll

    It is now longer, and more scraggly..... :thumbdown KillJoy
  5. You might want to mention that posting a phone number on CL is BAD.... MKaaaay. KillJoy
  6. Uhhh... I see no price listed.... KillJoy EDIT - It is listed as $4000 on the CL Ad.
  7. KillJoy


    THIS could help you out a LOT Phil.... assuming all is well w/ the Motor KillJoy
  8. Dammit... I am not going to be able to make this one either Have fun all! KillJoy
  9. KillJoy


    PS - Should have totaled it in that ditch KillJoy
  10. KillJoy


    So... the bobo motor done went and popped... YAY PHIL! KillJoy
  11. 10. You're over the age of 5 yet still wear clothes with characters from kid's shows on them because you think it's "cute." http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng3Br3MA5I/AAAAAAAAARs/C5zmNdx1u-c/s400/sesame_street_douche.jpg 9. You flex your muscles in every picture you're in. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng4D96Ry2I/AAAAAAAAAR0/BBj_nJmhT8U/s400/flexing_douche.jpg 8. You spend more time at the gym than working an actual job. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng4utddQbI/AAAAAAAAAR8/LPZA1528tDo/s400/buff_douche.jpg 7. The shirt you're wearing would be tight on an infant. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng5EkvEZLI/AAAAAAAAASE/T7H060g97e0/s400/tight_douche.jpg 6. You're this guy. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng57iqJdzI/AAAAAAAAASM/I3biYYpOYUY/s400/gangsta_douche.jpg 5. You pop your collar. Ever. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng6JavLFvI/AAAAAAAAASU/ArNxflonNbg/s400/popped_collar_douche.jpg 4. You purse your glossed lips in every picture ever taken of you. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng6fcRTygI/AAAAAAAAASc/zXEhHnERTss/s400/kissy_douche.jpg 3. You style your hair to resemble a fucking rooster. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng662kk4SI/AAAAAAAAASk/77dclFq504A/s400/rooster_douche.jpg 2. You're whiter than the Arctic landscape but think you're a "thug." http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng7fXOLRII/AAAAAAAAASs/8iZf1Zs8YuU/s400/thug_douche.jpg And the number 1 sign you're a big, flapping douche bag: You're a fan of and/or sympathize with these two mouth breathers. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng7_YLH79I/AAAAAAAAAS0/9OviRY27A94/s400/heidi_montag_spencer_pratt_taco.jpg KillJoy
  12. Before you get started... one of these fuckers looks just like Paul (only skinnier). 20 Signs You're a Big, Flapping Douche Bag The epidemic known as Douchis Idiotis is spreading people, and the only way to combat this scourge on society is to kill it at its source. We have to stomp out this problem before it spreads even further, because before you know it the entire fucking male population will be sporting Crocs, getting manicures and spraying themselves down with tan in a can. But how do we know if our friends and family members are succumbing to this dreaded disease? The 20 signs -- with visual aids -- are: 20. You wear shades indoors. This applies to both men and women. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/SngugXrCNYI/AAAAAAAAAQc/l1CcThjxqPY/s400/douchebags3.jpg 19. You go tanning. At any time. Ever. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/SngvHn0ljQI/AAAAAAAAAQk/vmmHWtVjOio/s400/tan_douche.jpg 18. You walk around indoors without a shirt on. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sngv9cehAPI/AAAAAAAAAQs/oTVXF6El0Wg/s400/no_shirt_douche.JPG 17. You sport a porcupine haircut, make ridiculous hand gestures at the camera or are otherwise in this picture. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/SngwyknNyFI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/TQOY760WMZ0/s400/gang_of_douche.jpg 16. You wax your eyebrows/chest/ass/ball sack. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sngxb6RBEdI/AAAAAAAAAQ8/zFXnRopOU5U/s400/twin_douche.jpg 15. You leave the house wearing just a wife beater. This applies to both men and women. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sngy1pwPWWI/AAAAAAAAARE/WLEgWxTOLQI/s400/douche_beaters.jpg 14. You should be at home nursing your swollen ankles but choose to "party" instead. Again, both men and women. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/SngzgDUsl7I/AAAAAAAAARM/0MKj_6bKGRs/s400/gramps_douche.jpg 13. You put rims on a fucking Chevy Cavalier and tell anyone who will listen that it's "pimped out." http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng03jH6CjI/AAAAAAAAARU/ySqQkJeMxOI/s400/cavalier_rims.jpg 12. You have ever taken a picture of yourself without a shirt on for the sole purpose of putting it on the Internet. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng1ckeO2SI/AAAAAAAAARc/fLxmQT2W5oc/s400/self_shooter_douche.jpg 11. You flash the peace sign in pictures while trying to look like a bad ass. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KX3-xEU5GR8/Sng2iFNz23I/AAAAAAAAARk/bZG4o9KLdmM/s400/peace_douche.jpg KillJoy
  13. Sad thing is... it's mostly stock!!! HD finally got their head out of their asses and made a cool looking bike right from the get go! A chick that the Misses works with got an '09 Ironin Silver Denim. So... I guess it's STILL a girls bike Either way... I still like it! KillJoy
  14. Thanks! To me... yes. To the poor soccer mom in the mini-van behine me... probably not! They are loud and have a good tone. They are giving up a little bit of power, but the bike already has plenty of torque, so I am not to concerned. KillJoy
  15. Nice bike Layton.... I like the fairing! :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. Funny as hell!!! At least he was not hurt too bad... LINKY KillJoy
  17. Did you read Post #2? Do you have either? Or a Monkey Wrench? KillJoy
  18. Are you against doing this yourself? Also, I am sure NTB Downtown would be able to take car of you. They are also a Vendor / Sponsor here. 614-232-8881 - Ask for Derek KillJoy
  19. Damn... I was hoping he was actually moving. KillJoy
  20. This is true... I still LOL'd. KillJoy
  21. My chest is ~ 20" across..... That would be a person at ALMOST a mile!!!! KillJoy
  22. I agree with this guy. Or, possibly a Monkey Wrench... :thumbup: KillJoy
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