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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. We have a large wall in our house I am wanting re-painted. Our house is a 1.5 level (loft) and it is the big wall that goes from downstairs to upstairs. I will supply all parts / supplies. I just suck at painting, and do not want to do this whole wall. Anyone? KillJoy
  2. That is a nice gun... especially for $150. :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. Doc would break his hip Roller Skating! KillJoy
  4. You can get his instead. You will not hurt my feelings. I was just putting it out there.... KillJoy
  5. Uhhh.... a $15,000 car is ~ $300 / month for 5 Years. That is only 3 months worth of payments THEN YOU ARE DONE! KillJoy PS - Fix your car..... bank the rest.
  6. Whores.... keeping hope alive since 1652 :thumbup: KillJoy
  7. I am in Galloway. I will have the Misses copy off her contact info this evening. KillJoy
  8. It is cheaper to fix your car and keep it running, then paying a monthly car payment for the next XX Months. KillJoy
  9. I have the Motorola from the Misses, it is not to old, she just wanted one w/ a full Keyboard. It is the Black and Silver clam-shell... nothing fancy. I can get the exact model tonight if interested. We still need to get her contacts off of it though I have not clue how much they are going for, but I would say $20. KillJoy
  10. Running around killing people on XBox DOES NOT = athletic. KillJoy
  11. He already did. Since you ARE legit... WELCOME. Now, post up some damn pics! KillJoy
  12. You are from Indiana. Why the fuck do you care about a local Central Ohio car forum? What Member here "set you up"? :thumbdown KillJoy
  13. KillJoy

    New Guy

    The FAIL is strong today... KillJoy
  14. But.... it says... http://intellistickoilcondition.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/harley-davidson.jpeg ..on it. KillJoy
  15. KillJoy

    Hola CR.

    He's already gone there, Scooter. I predict he will return, with a new Name and Profile. KillJoy PS - Unless IPs / MACs are filtered
  16. KillJoy

    Hola CR.

    If you live in Indiana, why the fuck would you want to be on a local CENTRAL OHIO car forum? Bitch please.... KillJoy
  17. KillJoy

    Hola CR.

    Oh yeah, you are in FUCKING INDIANA! You can die now... KillJoy
  18. KillJoy

    Hola CR.

    I fixed it for you. :thumbup: KillJoy
  19. KillJoy

    Hola CR.

    Most of us are at work. God damn you're dense.... KillJoy
  20. I fixed it for you KillJoy
  21. BMI = 27.8 i r fat ass KillJoy
  22. No.... at least not when my Wife had hers... KillJoy
  23. THAT is fucking awesome! :thumbup: KillJoy PS - 7 Officers
  24. Well..... HOW'S THE BABY (and Mommy)?!?!?!?!? KillJoy
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