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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I will be swinging by once the Misses gets off of work... KillJoy PS - Paul, if less than 6 folks show up TOTAL, you owe me $5.00
  2. Joe's Not Home or Joe's Not Home, Man KillJoy
  3. At least you followed the noob rules! :thumbup: Welcome! KillJoy
  4. Do you use the clutch in your car? KillJoy
  5. God Damn!!! I sold my '88 Grand Am for $1000, and this looks a metric shit ton better!!! I CANNOT believe this is still here..... KillJoy PS - Put it on Craigslist for $1500, when it sells, give me $100 for the suggestion
  6. Relaxation Station Work's Done Time Off Closing Time Tailgatin' Joe's :thumbup: KillJoy
  7. ....cancelled the German Village Oktoberfest. KillJoy
  8. LINKY By god.... they look REAL!!! KillJoy
  9. The PC is infected w/ Spyware. Boot into Safe Mode + Networking. Download, install and update Spybot Search & Destroy. Download, install and update Lavasoft's Ad-Aware. Download, install and update AVG 8.5 Free. Do a Scan of each. Then boot into Normal Mode. Run all available Windows Updates (except IE 8, unless they want it). Is it better yet? KillJoy
  10. This Thread was created with humor in mind. Some are not seeing it that way. Mods, please lock this. KillJoy
  11. Just be quick about it and put the hive in a Trash Can..... .. or the neighbor's car!!! KillJoy
  12. Clutch Shift Every Time... All the Time. KillJoy
  13. I just got the following -Rep and laughed my ass off! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gifSarah Palin - Resigns -... 4th July 2009 10:48 PMyou are a loser, stll. go back to sucking on obamas cock Did not even sign their name. CR needs to grow a fucking pair. The spelling leads to Paul. If it was not him.... go back to fucking Middle School you uneducated piece of taint fuzz. If it was Paul.... still.... go back to Middle School :thumbup: KillJoy
  14. Just because you are a Republican, and I am a Democrat, does not mean we cannot be friends. I will hug your elephant, and you can kiss my ass! KillJoy
  15. Uhhhh..... Republicans are GENERALLY PRO #2. Democrats are GENERALLY ANTI #2. KillJoy PS - You are 17. Go back to Gov't Class.
  16. Says you. Maybe he has views you do not? KillJoy
  17. The hate is strong in you.... KillJoy
  18. Well, he tried turning to God, but all he gave him was little boys. KillJoy
  19. LINKY A Sarah Palin federal indictment was suspected before, but a Sarah Palin federal indictment is now expected, after Sarah Palin's esignation. Discussion of a Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Federal Indictment Feared After Resignation federal indictment came almost right after Palin resigned from office yesterday. There have been a few Sarah Palin scandals in which she didn't face federal indictment, but it may be a new scandal that does the trick this time. Reports came in on the Internet that Sarah Palin could face a federal indictment for an embezzlement scandal. The accusations have Palin taking money from the construction of a sportsw complex in Wasilla, and using it to help build a home for Palin close by. This happened when Sarah Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, with speculation that Palin inflated the cost of building the complex so she could use some of the money. The supply company, Spenard Building Supplies, has close ties to both Palin and disgraced former Senator Ted Stevens. Speculation went up that a federal indictment was about to be handed down to Sarah Palin, which would explain her resignation. Since her resignation came so suddenly, and without much explanation, federal indictment rumors have shot up as the top reason. Others say that Palin just wanted to spend more time with her family, which is the most standard phrase used for any resigning official - and usually disguises the real reasons. Still others speculate that Palin just got tired of the "gotcha media" breathing down her neck. Palin's sudden resignation, and possible federal indictment, closes the latest string of news and scandals around her, only to open a brand new chapter. These past weeks have been highlighted by Palin's epic protest against David Letterman's jokes about her family, and a recent damning Vanity Fair story about her. Vanity Fair either exposed Palin's unpopularity among her peers as well as her vengeful side, or was the latest hit-job against a real American, depending on one's perspective. The story's timing is now even more suspicious, or ironic. If a federal indictment comes, Palin will find it even harder to escape the "gotcha media" than usual. Ironically, Palin will soon be out of a job, just weeks after many of her supporters wanted David Letterman to lose hers for his infamous jokes. http://ads.associatedcontent.com/www/delivery/lg.php?category_id=62&content_type=article&content_type_id=1909636&key_page=242103357475249&site_id=1&bannerid=523&campaignid=51&zoneid=2&loc=1&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.associatedcontent.com%2Farticle%2F1909636%2Fsarah_palin_federal_indictment_feared_pg2.html%3Fcat%3D62&cb=e63980c0f6 But a federal indictment would take things to an even deeper level. LOL Just imagine is McCain had gotten elected!!! KillJoy
  20. WD40 + Lighter Sure... the tree might get sindged.... but it would be fun KillJoy
  21. PERSONALLY, I like Long Tubes to a Cutout, to a Cat and then QUIET Muffler. KillJoy
  22. I would rock it. Auto = even more so! :thumbup: KillJoy
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