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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I don't like it. You cannot see the profile of the lights. KillJoy PS - Very Transformer-like to me.
  2. It is when you go to Walmart / Gander Mountain, and 200 (or 250, I can't remember) of UMC Bulk is $120!!! KillJoy PS - These are Brass Cased, Boxer Primed... ie reloadable
  3. GL on the sale! The price is good! KillJoy
  4. PLEASE tell me these are Gene's.... KillJoy
  5. When you forget to breathe, I will laugh. :thumbup: KillJoy
  6. I am looking for some GOOD "old" recipies. I am looking for: - Peach Cobbler - Apple Pie - Pot Roast If your Grandma has a good recipie, and you are will ing to share, I would love to try it! Even BETTER if it is a Dutch Oven recipie! KillJoy
  7. Dunno.... never been there. These usually sell for ~$75 - $100 at the gun shows. KillJoy
  8. No one??? Just for refrence, here is what they look like: M38: http://www.surplusrifle.com/mosincarbine/graphics/m38.jpg M44: http://www.surplusrifle.com/mosincarbine/graphics/m44.jpg KillJoy
  9. This one is a GOOD buy! http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/45acp.html :thumbup: KillJoy
  10. Those are Steel Cases. :thumbdown KillJoy
  11. If you buy the Gift Cards to use elsewhere (where you would be spending $$$ at amyways), you ARE getting free gas. :thumbup: KillJoy
  12. The AK can be upwards of $400+ in the current market. The Mini could be $500+. The way things are right now, any semi-auto w/ a high cap mag is enflated! The 10/22, around $150. YMMV KillJoy
  13. Piss off. My posts are above yours... at least for the Mini. KillJoy
  14. Oh yeah..... check www.gunbroker.com , www.auctionarms.com , www.gunsamerica.com for going prices. KillJoy
  15. Dunno. BUT, that 10/22 Receiver is NOT stainless. KillJoy PS - Awaiting pricing on the Mini (aka DIBS)
  16. I read the OP, and no more.... so, here is my take: I had all 4 of mine removed at once. My Dad drove me to the Doc. I waited about 15 mins after I arrived. I went back, and within a few mins, was put under w/ General. 15 mins later (LITERALLY) I was being awaken by the nurse. All 4 were chompers were gone! About 10 mins later, my Dad was taking me home. I had no issues, and am glad it was done, when it was. :thumbup: KillJoy
  17. You edited this, and it STILL has fucking typos!!! KillJoy
  18. Check Snopes. This is a hoax (currently). Lock it up. KillJoy
  19. :thumbup: Go for it! Bring the lil guys back! KillJoy
  20. Pick One: [ ] Cheat on Taxes [ ] Don't Cheat on Taxes KillJoy
  21. It's your gun. Run what you want. I gave MY opinion. :thumbup: KillJoy
  22. I would not run wolf through MY AR. I have never had bad luck w/ the Federal Bulk. That being said, I have no experience with the PMC. KillJoy
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