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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. Yes, including the Bench, and all tooling I have! :thumbup: KillJoy
  2. No. We are home while our Daughter is napping. My Family this morning, the Wife's this evening. :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. ONLY if seasoned well. This "pre-seasoned" fryer failed on Hash Browns this morning. Oh well.... gonna have to break out the Charcoal Grill and Peanut oil this weekend. Lard would be better..... but the only bit of that I have is in my fat ass!! KillJoy
  4. I was hoping on that. I actually wanted one when I got the Marauder. I will be paying CASH for the next toy, and that open MANY doors. A guy I know's wife has a Silver T-Buick that runs 11's. All I can say is.... DAYYYYUMMMM!!!!! KillJoy
  5. BEER I actually received the first shipment yesterday. Mighty fine brews!!! I think this is going to be my new gift of choice.... both to give AND recieve. And a Cast Iron Chicken Fryer. I LOVE my cast iron cookware!!! KillJoy
  6. Congrats, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! If you want / need any little girl stuff, lemme know. We have a BUNCH! However, our daughter was born in Aug KillJoy
  7. My next toy might be a GN, or a Turbo Regal. KillJoy
  8. I think a LOT of people would spend what little $$$ they have on legal pot, and things would get worse off. KillJoy PS - I am FOR legalization
  9. Dude...... you are REALLY starting to scare me now..... KillJoy
  10. $5 for 1 joint. :thumbup: That would solve a lot of the financial crisis our Gov't is in. However, it would probably cause MORE issues for the regular folks. KillJoy
  11. Christmas Bump I am open to ANY reasonable offers. Also, if interested, they can be checked out before committing. :thumbup: KillJoy
  12. You make that w/o bread? KillJoy
  13. Also, it looks like many of the Quickie Marts are opened. Depending on what you want / need, they might be able to hold you over. CVS and Walgreens are both open. KillJoy
  14. HOLY FUCK!!!! :eek: KillJoy
  15. WOW! That is more than I expected! That extra 100 rounds is probably to help keep the noobs from calling in :bangbang: KillJoy
  16. Sharp looking gun! GL on the sale!! KillJoy PS - Whomever buys this, if you are NOT familiar w/ NIB 1911's - Break it in w/ 100-200 Full Power Rounds, and make sure you do not limp wrist it. After that break-in period, you should be practically free of stovepipes. At least, this has been MY experience w/ 5 different 1911's.
  17. Damn.... I have not been caving in YEARS!!! Dunno if my fat ass is still up to it! KillJoy
  18. It is better than constant Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Yo Yo Gabba, Oswald, Little Bear, Franklin, Lazy Town..... pick one KillJoy
  19. ..... and will cost $30-$50, if not more. :thumbup: KillJoy
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