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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I waited until my Contract w/ Sprint was up, and switched to Verizon. Been happy ever since. KillJoy
  2. Can't bitch about go fast + good gas!!!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. HIYA Mark!!!!!!! Stick Around!!!! KillJoy
  4. HAHA!!!! Nah...that community is the weirdest I have EVER seen. Folks help others...ALL THE TIME. You pop your motor...a fund begins to help you. You have issues, out of the woorwork come friends to help. Almost like a Family. THIS community will eventually get there!!!! JOIN UP! Let them know who you are are, and why you are there. You'll see.... KillJoy
  5. MUST you have a "SUV"? Several of the Marauder owners have Crown Vics (Police Inteceptors) as Dailys. Add a Hitch, and you can put on a bike rack, or a cargo hauler. They average OVER 20 MPG, can still move, and have a hellova lot of room inside. And better yet, they can be had CHEAP!!!! Not to mention the trunk!!!!! KillJoy
  6. That would be www.mercurymarauder.net. I am KillJoy there he is Cruxtaker. KillJoy
  7. I spoke w/ Barry. He said he has about 60 Pics or so. He said he SHOULD have them resized and up tomorrow. I believe the originals are good enough to be a 24" x 36" High Res Poster :thumbup: KillJoy
  8. I will give him a call and see if he has them up yet. BTW - You better feel DAMN SPECIAL about using his camera....he won't even let me Granted, I have NO CLUE how to use it...but still I think most ALL of the Burnout pics are mine and B's. Barry has a Spoiler, and the three other guys were running stock tires. Smoke is fun :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. Nice Pics..... Burnouts are fun KillJoy
  10. There is a Marauder Meet in the process of being planned NEAR this date. Once that date is ironed out..... I MAY be interested. Hopefully...my car will be moving by then KillJoy
  11. ^^^^^ Stand up guy! ^^^^^ True Story. KillJoy
  12. Don't blame me... I didn't do it KillJoy
  13. Can anyone recommend a good place, or person, to rebuild an Auto Trans? KillJoy
  14. That right ^^^THERE^^^ is Mark. Soon to be fastmerc here on CR He was the FIRST to put a hood scoop on a MM KillJoy
  15. DUH! Hiding...OBVIOUSLY We were at a long table near the Yellow Cobra on the Lift :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. Fuck....my beater can beat the shit out of YOUR " 'lady"
  17. The Misses and I will be there No Marauder though KillJoy
  18. Actually....it is a MERCURY MARAUDER, but I am one of them. I ran a 13.08 w/ a crappy 60'. Trans tanked leaving the track. Cruztaker is there OTHER member here. So far....he has the MOST BITCHIN' Marauder in Ohio....and the FASTEST N/A Marauder in the WORLD!!!! He is the one who was trailered out However....... I an sensing LOW 11's, if not 10's after his engine rebuilt We'll see Hell..... all I want is a 12.5 +/- .15..... KillJoy
  19. Uhhh.....does he know ANYTHING about this????
  20. THANK YOU BRIAN!!!!! I just arrived home a short while ago, on a very uneventful trip. Brian had ZERO issues with the trailer (more than can be said than if I did it myself). Not quite sure what happened yet. When the car starts, you can pick a gear, any gear, and it will ROLL. As soon as it encounters any resistance (uphill)...nada! Turn it off, and start over. Hopefully, this is completely Trans related. It will give me an excuse to install my new TC and to rebuilt the unit for strength and reliability :thumbup: Thanks to all of those who called, and to Anthony for the assistance!!!
  21. Okay folks... my Trans blew about 5-10 miles from the track. I had the car towed to a local Ford Dealership (Broadview Heights, near Cleveland). Can ANYONE here help me out.... Let me know..... Steve 614-309-4501
  22. HERE KillJoy PS....just for this....I get to drive your Viper around the parking lot
  23. There is a Tree there for a reason Although.... you say if I lose...YOU take my Wife... hmmmmmm..... KillJoy
  24. There is that Wafle House on Polaris. Anyone interested in meeting there for Breakfast? About 6:30 - 6:45??? KillJoy
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