Drug Testing, Alcohol Testing, Nicotine Testing
If you can't pass these, you don't need help. Assistance is for those who NEED it. Not those who thrive off of it.
PS - Also, you have to be looking (honestly) for work...
I cannot count how many times I have been in Vance's and people are informed they have answered the Form wrong, told why it is wrong, and given a new one.... only to answer another question wrong.
How many firearms have been "sold" to people who are not legally allowed to purchase one just to make a sale?
How many places do this? Things like this need addressed before Bans are implemented.
<off soapbox>
Okay, over the last week or two I have been having a numb / tingly feeling in my left pinky & ring finger. Also, the "funny bone" nerve in my elbow has felt weird.
My insurance does not require me to have a referral, so.....
Anyone recommend a Doc to take a look at this?