I have a Canon Rebel DSLR and have also used my ex girlfriends Nikon D40 many times. As far as user controls I like the Canon a lot more. I think its much easier to navigate the settings while shooting. As far as the need for one, that's for you to decide. I started with a "hybird" or ZLR meaning zoom lens reflex. With a ZLR you have the full ability to customize your shots as far as aperature, shutter speed, etc. ZLR cameras have come a long way as far as zooming capabilities and photo quality. Also with a ZLR you don't have to get into the investment of lenses which get very pricey. The downfall however, is that if you do end up learning enough to use the camera to its full potential, you have already spent money on a ZLR and you'll be ready for an SLR.