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Everything posted by Assassin

  1. Assassin

    My pics

  2. Next time you plan one down this far, I'll try and make the time to go with you all. I live not too far from where you all started. This weekend just happened to be my son's birthday so I couldn't have made it at all. I did take the bike from here to southern IL and back though. Fun times.
  3. Assassin


    To increase post count of course!
  4. Rescheduled for June 24, let's see if I can get it done then.
  5. The best part about this is I talked to the same guy when I walked in to take the written test (again), passed it (again), and when I scheduled it. All within about 20 minutes. Take Motorcycle Written Test Pass Motorcycle Written Test Schedule Car Driving Test....wtf????
  6. The bike I have now is fine. Just feel likes the gods hate me right now. Its becoming aggravating.
  7. I'm not being forced to reschedule. This time they scheduled me for a car test. Last 7 times was because the pos bike I had just happened to have a problem the day of the test.
  8. I have now scheduled and not been able to take my motorcycle driving test for the 8th time over 2 years. This a sign that I need to give up riding?
  9. I've only been faster than that in the cage. I've gotten a ticket for going 90 once. If it makes you feel better, I only had my permit also. I think I added up more also, but it still wouldn't have been enough to win. Ah well, we had fun either way.
  10. On my Magna I was only at 6500 RPM at 100MPH. I could have went much faster but wind resistance is hellish.
  11. I was with team 3 and had a lot of fun. Running my bike that fast to keep up with them was a huge learning moment about what it could do.
  12. I am. If you all want to meet up? When/Where?
  13. Thought that was another weekend. Looks like I may be heading up there then.
  14. Looks like good weather and its about time I start meeting some of ya. Anyone interested? I ride a cruiser and don't go too fast just so you know.
  15. Assassin

    white dudes

    Other than when I drove my 78 Malibu, I never really had the desire to race anyone. I'm sure that feeling comes back when I get done with my S-10 (putting a 350 sbc into the truck). Can't answer your question sorry.
  16. I'll be in that area tonight. What time you looking at going? Or gimme a call 8593603267.
  17. The petcock was 'damaged' while I was cleaning the tank. It was completely clogged up. After I got it cleaned out, I found out that it continues to allow fuel to flow through, just at a slower rate. I need a new one of those, and will get one soon.
  18. I bought a 94 Magna back in January and got it running about 2 months ago. The previous owner said he let the bike set in his garage for 4 years with little to no running the entire time. To get it started I had to pull the tank off, clean all the rust and crap out from it and coat it. Replaced the fuel lines from the tank to the carbs. Cleaned the carbs 3 times and am pretty sure everything inside them is working correctly. I'm still having a problem with atleast one cylinder not firing all the time. At idle it seems that one keeps cutting out, but at higher RPMs it seems to do fine. Another problem is after I shut off the engine, I have to clamp the fuel line shut, and let the engine run to get some fuel out of the lines or else one cylinder will fill with fuel and let it run out of the exhaust pipe. If it does this, the engine hydro-locks and I can't start it before getting the fuel out of the cylinder. All the people I've talked to so far says its not a carb problem, but possibly an engine problem since the bike sat for so long. If I have to take it to a garage I will, but that might take some time. Any ideas would help since I could possibly do it easier/cheaper than a garage.
  19. It's derby weekend. I gotta go sell beer.
  20. Sounds like fun to me. All depends on the weather though. I haven't driven in the rain yet so I don't plan on trying a ride like what you describe until I'm experienced.
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