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Status Updates posted by chevysoldier

  1. Din't think so, me either. :lol:

  2. Oh shit, one more post until the big 5k! :lol:

  3. LOL You had the same idea as me. I don't have anymore rep to hand out today. :(

  4. I thought that too! lol. I thought you might enjoy reading that seeing as how much you like yours.

  5. No, why? Should I be looking?

  6. Nah man. Had to run some errands, pick up a shot gun specifically.

  7. Thanks buddy. He was a good friend from high school. Decided to take his own life on the 12th. Here's the thread if you're interested.


    thanks Fonz.

  8. lol, that was my only point. I was talking with a friend the other day. I said you can;t name me a place that had a shooting that wasn't a no gun zone. He said ft hood, so I went through the same thing with him the other day. and since you repped me for Todd, it's all good. :D

  9. That's awesome. But the average marine on base couldn't walk around with a loaded firearm right?

  10. lol, and how many marine bases have had shootings? You know I am all for everyone being armed.

  11. you're the one who had that picture saved on his comp, not me. :D

  12. LOL yay no moar pen!s hahaha

  13. Did you change your sig for me Carie? :lol:

  14. Yeah I'll be there with my kiddo. Will prob just bring a box of .45 for the M&P. Don't think I'll bring anything else.

  15. Checking it out now. Hey I sent you a couple of those OFCC cards. Well they go in the mail tomorrow morn.

  16. Wife was working and nobody was able to watch my kiddo. Sorry man, I really wanted to be there.

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