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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. They were told to hold it for the hour bus ride. Geesh. ..
  2. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2011/05/10/cutting-the-cheese-cuts-bus-rides-for-canal-winchester-students.html
  3. That's how I started. My 3 year old won a goldie form the fair. Got a small tank then got more goldies. All died and realized the tank was too small. Now I have the 50 gallon and a 30 gallon in the basement that isn;'t up yet. All this cuz she won a fish at the ping pong ball game.
  4. Some do but I wouldn't bank on it. Doing your research before rather than assuming they know anything is much better, for you and the fish. Yeah you can keep 10 fish in a 5 gallon tank but the water will get filthy faster and there is a good chance the fish will be stressed out real bad. The more water you have the more stable it is and won't fluctuate temps or other parameters. a 5 or 10 gallon can actually be more difficult to keep healthy than a 50 gallon.
  5. Check craigslist too. There are always tanks for free or for sale.
  6. Yep, even for little guys. Stores way overstock their tanks, especially goldfish. That's probably why there were 15 dead fish in it. I don't know a whole lot about goldifish other than they need quite a bit of water. Get onto the forums at fishlore.com. There is a ton of info on there and a great resource. But you really should do something soon before you lose any. Oh, and don't go by what the salesman at the fish store say. They usually don't know crap.
  7. That's way too small of a tank for goldfish. Should really be 5-10 gallons per goldfish. They are really dirty fish and the food is dirty too. Get a bigger tank or get rid of all but one goldie. I had a 10 gallon with 4 goldies before I knew any better and I lost them all. Water got dirty and high amounts of ammonia.
  8. These albino plecos only get to be about 4" or so. There are some plecos that get like 18", a little big for my tank. As for a background, like I said I just got posterboard from walmart and taped it on the back. Cheap and easy.
  9. I think I got them all at Jacks Aquarium at Easton. They are a mixture of plastic and cloth, they don't look too bad. Hopefully the plecos keep the algae off of them. I replaced by bulbs the other day. They were old and I think the color spectrum was out of wack. If I ever get my other tank up, I might take you up on the angels. Can't put them in this tank, the tiger barbs will chew the hell outta their fins. lol Edit: Got some of them from Jacks, the others from Petsmart in Pickerington.
  10. I had tried real plants but I think the tank was too deep for the light or something else. They didn't survive. The background is just black poster board form walmart.
  11. People still use apple products?
  12. Thanks. Part of it is the camera, it isn't quiet that bright.
  13. I know there are a couple of fish keepers on here so I thought I'd share. I just added 3 more Tiger Barbs and 2 Albino Bristlenose Plecostomus giving me 6 Barbs, 4 Albino Cory Cats and 2 BN Plecos. I also added a piece of Mopani driftwood, the tall tree trunk and the bell. The tank is a lot more crowded now but the fish seem to enjoy it more. With having more fish, I wanted to make sure they had places to get away. This is how it was first set up: Then it went to this: New set up: One of my Cories: The driftwood and bell: The tree trunk in the rear: One of the plecos. A bunch of the fish fighting over an algae wafer:
  14. We had this kind of issue in Iraq. Dude was using a video camera in the showers to tape other guys changing. Yeah, they can't get pregnant but it can cause quite a commotion. I'm not saying I'm for or against, just something I have seen.
  15. You'd better be sharing some of that among your ohio rider followers.
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