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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I took this today. Does anyone know what it is?
  2. You'd better keep your head out of animals asses or else that could get infected....
  3. Can't we all just throw our balls up on the table and see who's is biggest? Oh, btw Afro, I forgot to tell you glad you made it though and you didn't go down. I couldn't imagine going through that. Live and learn.
  4. One can be yes. Like in Kennesaw GA. Their crime rate is very low due to their law. I'll let you go find that since you don't like to research anything. On a statewide level? No, like Fusion hit on, not enough people carry. Of course how many police stations or gun stores get robbed or shot up? Why does it seem that it's always the places that don't allow guns that get shot up? Schools, military bases, immigration offices....? Comparing bad guys to dogs isn't an even comparison anyways. IF that were the case, no one would be getting shot or robbed in Ohio because most bad guys know there could be a gun hidden in the store. So is it really a deterrent or do you just think it could be a deterrent? True. But a no gun sign is more of an invitation than a gun that might be hidden. Yes, that is what sunseeker will have you believe. Doesn't matter if your 100% legal. If someone else has a problem with what your doing, you should accommodate them because they are more important than you. I mean, we are all taught to play the victim card. He scared me. It's his fault. No mind that I don't know the laws enough so he's wrong, not me. This is my main complaint with this whole thread. Sunseeker rides a BMW which is made by the Germans and some Germans were Nazis and Nazis scare me. Waaaaaa Get rid of BMWs. Same thought process, different target. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it. I've continued it because I am tired of people with your mentality. "It's not my fault, it's everyone else's fault." See my reply right above this one. Me too.
  5. Accidents (read negligence) happen, to experienced gun owners too. I also don't need any extra tools, it's the grip pad pin and in the butt of the gun anyways. I told you about the guy that shot himself in the leg.vVeteran gun owner cleaning his gun. Put it back together, tested for proper operation. Had done it thousands of times. Made sure it loaded a round in the chamber, he got sidetracked then pulled the trigger to dry fire and shot himself. That's why the M&P was designed that way.
  6. Ok, now I am starting to understand your thought process. I still think it's flawed, but it's your stance nonetheless. Like I said, I'm really not trying to make you open carry, but to treat open carriers that way is wrong. Mom may be on edge, but she needs to learn that it isn't the gun that kills the people. She's part of the the reason so many places don't allow guns into their establishments. My right to carry a firearm should not be less important than her feeling safe. Concealed carry cannot be a deterrent if your firearm is hidden. The sign prohibiting carry is an invitation. Those are two big differences. You are correct in that places the prohibit carrying a firearm, crime tends to increase. But, nothing proves that open carrying increases the chances of them being the first shot across the board. Nothing is an end all be all and there are exceptions like the cop in Whitehall. But the overall statistics do not back up your claims. Would you really walk in to a 7/11 to rob it, then encounter a person OC'ing a weapon and decide to shoot him first? Is that money worth dying over? Is he a cop? Heck, when I OC that's the number one question I get. Go check out http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/forum.php and http://www.ohioccwforums.org. and read peoples first hand experiences about OC. I just got up and I'm not completely awake yet so I hope I made sense.
  7. Go look at the title and track down the owner listed on it to see if it's legit?
  8. There's a midget with a hammer inside.
  9. I was wondering if someone would come up with that!
  10. Hope I can make this but everything has been so busy for me lately that I won't know until it gets closer.
  11. Yeah, I'll give you in some instances OC can make you the first target. But most of the time they don't. Most criminals don't want to risk dying for some money. And for someone who says they have to think like a criminal, you admit to not doing any research into actual situations? Go to google and find out how many times someone open carrying was the first target. You won't find many, like I said before. How is something you can't see deter someone? That makes no sense. Now could you please?
  12. Which question did that answer? lol
  13. Welcome. Go south to Hocking or East to Coshocton. If you ride really fast, WV is within an hour.
  14. This. I don't care if you open carry it or conceal it. I haven't once told you sunseeker, that concealing it is dumb and asking for trouble. But your reasonong of why not to OC are very mislead. You say that is is my fault the cop harassed me because he was having a bad day. I say I will not give up my liberties because a cop doesn't know his duty.
  15. Okay, so you are aware enough of the laws to know where it's illegal to carry, but do anyways. Got it. Secondly, I don't frequent places like that because I don't want to put myself into a position that I could avoid. I don't OC all the time. I choose OC or CC based on the situations I could find myself in or where I will be that day. For example, I'd conceal at a kids birthday party because I don't want all the kids trying to play with my gun. Lastly, could you answer the rest of the stuff in my post? I think I have been pretty accommodating with answering your questions.
  16. lol, are you telling me you've see criminals carrying openly committing a crime? It is the cops duty to uphold the law, not make it how he sees fit. What did the person in the video do that made the cop so jumpy? Walking down the street? Wow, yeah that was threatening alright. Why is it I should have to put myself into other peoples shoes? You never hear "why don't you put yourself into the open carriers shoes."? Hell, I've been shot at. I know what bullets whistling inches from your head sound like. I know what it's like to have someone trying to kill you. But I also know that not everyone around me is out to kill me and I don't go treating everyone as such. Yeah, we are human and you might be on edge. But a professional officer should not have gone into this situation how he did. I didn't give you but one paper someone wrote. (I think just one) The others were news articles. Where are you getting your real life experiences from? Do you open carry yourself? Do you frequent forums of open carriers and their experiences? Or do you only listen to the few things the slanted news leads you to believe? I know people who only carry concealed who still carry a recorder. If they get stopped by a LEO they are required to inform and in case of that bad cop, they record the convo in case the cop takes advantage of them. Also, only concealing doesn't mean you shouldn't know the laws and what your limits are. You know you can't carry into a place serving alcohol correct? I'm sure you do. Your argument about not needing to know laws holds no water. I've also have never sued anyone due to carrying. Most I know haven't either. But there are also CC'ers who have sued so that isn't limited to OC'ing.
  17. But I have the right to pursue happiness! Oh that's right. Pursuing is not the same as deserving.
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