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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. So I sign up Brent and kawi kid and I won't be out and money. sweet.
  2. Don't try to back pedal now. I'll throw in a dollar but someone has to watch to verify he does it. I'll pay another dollar to someone to verify it for me.
  3. Was the guy attempting to go through the checkpoint without showing identification? No, he was only standing near the checkpoint. Why should he have had to show ID? Edit: I don't recall him trying to get through but I'm not going back to look at the video right now.
  4. Not worth the junk mail.
  5. I was in the Army with a guy that got a tattoo from the head of his dick to his belly button. Had to drive back to base with his pants and underwear around his knees. The gate guard was thoroughly confused to say the least. Wish I could remember why he did that. And no, I never saw it...
  6. Guy and a girl got married. The guy got her name, Wendy, tattooed on his penis. When it's soft it reads "WY". When it's hard it reads "Wendy". They went to Jamaica for their honeymoon. Decided to go to a dude beach. There they are at the nude beach and the guy decides to go to the bar to get a couple of drinks. When he gets to the bar he sees that the bartender is naked as well. The guy happens to glance down at the bartender's package and sees "WY" tattooed on his penis also. He says to the bartender: "Whoa! Your wife's name is Wendy too?!" Bartender replies: "No mon. Mine says 'Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day.'"
  7. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Not in response to Matt, just in general.
  8. It's open now but their "Grand Opening" is March 1st. I have yet to stop in though. I agree that's it's nice to see them turning stores over to local people. I think that helps attract customers because they are dealing with neighbors.
  9. Yeah I got nothing either until I disabled my adblock.
  10. I heard this guy knew a guy who knew another guy whose brother's sister dated a guy who worked for a guy that worked with a guy who told his friend that he overheard two guys talking about an engine that ran on air from the atmosphere...
  11. lol, which isn't their anymore. There is talk of a Tractor Supply Co. going in the old Kroger building but I don't know anything for sure.
  12. I think Northridge had one of those "prove your date goes to school" policies too but I don't remember for sure. Our dances sucked so I never went, we'd just get the trucks and go mudding or something. Honestly I see no problem with them making sure kids aren't drinking. One, they are all underage and two they are too immature to know how to handle themselves when drinking. The teachers and chaperones are responsible for their safety.
  13. Too far or looking out for school kids safety? http://www.newarkadvocate.com/article/20110127/NEWS01/110127003/1002/Medina-school-requires-breathalyzer-test-dances-
  14. For anyone interested. This will be great for me since I don't have to go as far to get tools warrantied. http://www.newarkadvocate.com/article/20110127/NEWS01/101270350/1002/Sears-Hometown-Store-opens-Johnstown
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