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Status Updates posted by chevysoldier

  1. Hey, got the disc the other day. Should be able to get your money out tomorrow.

  2. Hey, thanks for the pic comment. Im really liking this bike. Will be great when I get it tuned up.

  3. hi there tootsie. Nice to see you could rejoin us. :lol:

  4. how the hell do you have the posting award when months go by without a single post from you? :lol:

  5. I am using the flag too...:(

  6. I didn't ride home from Jtown til about 7, it was damn cold!

  7. I don't know what this is for...

  8. I dunno yet, Im still waiting to get the word back from Jagr on what the plan is. Hopefully he lets me know soon.

  9. I guess a little pink is okay, just not all out pink. Just seems like most girls gotta make a stand with the pink lol

  10. I haven't fired it a whole hell of a lot, but haven't had any issues with it and every review I have read about it is pretty much 100% positive. I looked into Glocks but didn't like the feel of them. Felt akward to hold and aim.

  11. I know it was you. :lol:

  12. I see what your saying. It's all good. You're on two wheels, that's all that matters. So do the not straight female riders not put pink on their bikes?

  13. I think Jagr had mentioned Iron Pony. Check them out. Can't think of anywhere else though.

  14. I thought that too! lol. I thought you might enjoy reading that seeing as how much you like yours.

  15. I told you people would be worse than me lol. Nah I don't get out there very often, too busy with work and everything. I do pretty much all my own work. You need carbs jetted and some wiring fixed up? I am in the process of fixing my carbs right now, probably rejetting them although I am not really familiar with fixing carbs, kind of a learn as I go type deal. What's wrong with your wiring?

  16. I try to avoid the e-drama, which is why it took me from since April when I joined to meet anybody. Wanted to get a feel first.

  17. I understand. It's all good.

    My grandfather used, my dad and uncles use it. I use it in my cages and my bike. Can't beat the stuff.

  18. I would guess about 7 hours or so. I'm not sure because we went to my in-laws place first in Loysburg. We then took their truck and camper so it took us more time. I've never been to Hershey and not sure about the flight 93 monument. If you want to, message my wife. She's from around there so she could probably help you out more than I can. Her s/n is bikerwife26, she's on my friends list.

  19. I'm noticing, esp bitch threads

  20. I'm trying to take back my mouse race trophy you stole!! :D

  21. It was a blast. About 130 miles or so. Got a lil burnt on my arms. Wish you could have gone, you probably would have really enjoyed yourself.

  22. It was nice meeting you today. Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk, was busy into a car. Look forward to a ride someday.

  23. It's a S&W M&P .45 compact. It's my daily CC gun. Haven't had a chance to take a pic of my actual gun, so I just use it.

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