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Everything posted by dover

  1. dover

    Cops Poll

    Oh I see I figured when posting a poll you were asking for public opinion so I gave mine, apparently that isn't what you were going for. So care to explain the thought process behind your poll, you know just so us little minded people can understand it better?
  2. dover

    Cops Poll

    lot-o-you's? Not really sure as to what that means, I just believe the poll to be worded incorrectly?
  3. dover

    Cops Poll

    How does age justify anything? Is my opinion less sensible because I am young, I don't seem to be to young to go over seas? So do tell? What point are you trying to make? My mother is a cop and I can't say she is an "elitist pig" but hell even she can admit that the FREEWAY police have something wrong with them. I in no way have a bad taste in my mouth for all police officers, because like them they have different tasks. But those who are tasked to sit on freeways and right bullshit tickets and harass good people can burn in hell. Great poll........
  4. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs057.snc6/168751_496109222689_736447689_6190636_8162020_n.jpg
  5. If your boyfriend would follow the rules and make a correct post, he may make it in here.
  6. goarmy.com always hiring.
  7. I have the TrekSport's and love them I run in them non stop, hell I walk around in them allot of the time!
  8. I got my V for 15.5K OTD true story, had 65k miles but was clean as fuck. Put a catback on it and never looked back.. turned around and sold it for 18k with 80k miles
  9. Thanks guys, and Joe when I am home on leave if you have a place with some mats I'm always game. I can show you some of the new curriculum for Level I and Level II.
  10. Got accepted in Level III, will begin mid March. All Army Tournament is in June, wish me luck gents.
  11. I met you at Cycle Search's Dyno Night, good looking busa you have there.
  12. Arlington Cemetery and seeing the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
  13. I plan to battle it out with Anthony and his 1k. I hope for 8.90's this year on the bottle. :ninja: Bike has received a couple things already since the no tune no gear 9.56 pass last year. Still awaiting the funds for some other little odds and ends. Also finally putting an airshifter on the bike! I'm ready for you Phil, when and where
  14. I'd heard the rumors about Les, that's to bad for Michigan (good for us)
  15. dover

    auburn or oregon

    No one is looking good.
  16. dover

    auburn or oregon

    I would bet Oregon goes up big in the first half and loses it all in the second half. 35 - 31 Auburn.
  17. Come on now Dave you know you want a little lighter car
  18. I know man, if I sell something I'm just going to buy it so I can quit bitchin'
  19. I want this so bad I have nothing to put it on! Edit: Maybe turbo busa??? hmm
  20. Yeah he won't give me even $26k for the car, right now bone stock low mile cobras are going for 20's. Si I figure fuck it I sell everything put the car to stock as long as I end up in the neck of the woods of 26-28k for everything. I will be able to pay everything off and not have to bust my ass when I am done in the Army. Cory you can take it all if the price is right son!
  21. dover

    New to CR

    Thank you for the update with the information, bike looks great!
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