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Everything posted by wht_scorpion

  1. I might be in have to see whats going on MRBRET I sent in for my stickers this week 1red and 1 black
  2. DTC whats is that a hayabusa group
  3. The bike coming out nice. Is that the fastest color for a hayabusa?
  4. see i was like this before i read that:popcorn:then i went like this:eek:and then like this after i read what you wrote:puke: lol
  5. invest in a bat so when you catch them in the act swing batter batter on them only head shots count
  6. do cars around here use blinkers
  7. you need the reg. or the title bill of sale shows what you pay on tax when you reg it in like ny
  8. Jay you have to get a 3 wire light for the light its a duel filment bulb or you go with a led mark singals light kit it has to have 3 wires 2wires go to the reg. singals light wires the third 1 goes to the fuse box or the key ing. wire to give you power to turn the mark lights on
  9. It was nice meeting you

  10. WELCOME its nice here Im from NY
  11. I just installed a scorpio alarm on my bike plug and play really nice
  12. hey he looks like larry the cable guy thats his brother
  13. thats a nice gun i have a mos carbine 7.62*54
  14. lol really funny guy
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