Responsible for which part? The fact that George is dead, or the girl that is injured? This may sound horrible, and I hope everyone knows I say this with the most respect that it can be said with. But it's Georges fault. He took his life into his own hands when he got behind the wheel of a car, and NO I'm not referring to wether or not he was drinking, or racing. We all take our lives into our own hands EVERY DAY when we get behind the wheel of an automobile. We take that risk, anything can happen at any time. Saying it's someones fault for getting in an accident sounds horrible, so I really wish I didn't have to use such wording. As I said previously, this is an awful situation for all involved. George has already paid the ultimate price, why must they (the state) continue to search for someone to blame.
In the end, if I went out and got in my car right now, was driving down the road at the speed limit, hit some ice, lost control, hit something, and's my fault. Not the person behind me, not the person that comes across the scene.