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Posts posted by Bigbird

  1. wow guys thats crazy, ive never really had bad experiences with the Wo-Po as we liked to call them at Thomas Worthington High School. Im gonna knock on wood now tho, but i drove around worthington all the time for a year with no front plate and cops never so much as looked at me funny...and ive got a bright yellow sentra, its kinda hard to miss. oh and im gonna knock on wood again...oh and hi stimmel...its Love haha
  2. THREAD JACK THREAD JACK!!! just screwing with you guys, im surprised a lil sentra is even getting this much attention. but idk who the white one with black rims is...but i do know that theres two white ones around town...not that you care lol
  3. hey guys, my name is ryan. ive got a 2003 nissan sentra se-r spec-v....wow thats a long name. i know, i know, its an import, its a ricer lol but whatever i'm just trying to have fun. right now i've got intake, header, cat-back(bout to get a whole new less ricey set up), short shifter, and some eagle f1's for the rubber. its def not fast, but im looking to make it a lil quicker this summer...we'll see. hopefully i'll learn a few things here, and meet some cool people. oh and i hope titus sees this lol and i hope he remembers the yellow spec on polaris, and that then he will go to dubohio and look in the kills section cause i dont feel like typing everything out here. thanks for having me guys!
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