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Posts posted by hummingbird

  1. My own little personal thread where I will post things that nobody cares about. May be some language but never anything dirty. Open to all discussion but don't start your own topics in here, create your own thread if you feel the need.

    Real quick about me: Im ghey

    a very good read on CL about parents - http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/tor/1597825172.html

    excerpt " I wouldn't like you even if you weren't CREEPY AS FUCK. I'm your wife's daughter, man. Stop hitting on me. The slightly too long hugs. The time you walked in on teenage me masturbating and DIDN'T LEAVE AND APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY AND STARTED A CONVERSATION ABOUT WHAT I WAS DOING INSTEAD. The time I was nude modelling to pay for school and you said you should sign up for "art lessons" (pukes). Last summer when I was playing with your son, wearing a short dress and you kept "accidentally" moving behind me. Just stop. Mom, if you ever tell me how "good he is in bed" again, I will vomit in your closet. "

    And here's a thought: Russia created North Korea, and when RU communism fell NK was watching. By not helping RU become a pure democracy and supporting it economically the US let RU become an unstable nation. So when NK saw what their future might hold if they entertained democracy they instead decided to stay communist. Therefore the US is to blame for NK's aggressive isolationism.

  2. well we got all winter with bikes in the garage...

    im just getting the ball rolling.

    ^hey dont worry about falling, Im no pro at skating and usually fall a few times because my feet go faster than my brain. Besides, you should always skate in full gear! haha

  3. Ouch.

    ha! she recognizes maturity when she reads it.

    :confused: I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I am Irish, polish, and some other eastern European back ground.

    dont worry bout it ; )

    yeah I thought so with the eastern euro, (me too may I add) and so was she.

    k nobody cares

    stupid macbooks where is the right click???? its like learning a new language

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