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Everything posted by hcjason

  1. Thanks alot guys for the advice. I definitly don't have the mindset that I must leave with a bike,I know that is just asking for trouble. One thing I have going for me there is that my friend is picking up a $7500 Cbr 1000rr so both together I may be able to knock a few extra dolars off on my side. But if I feel they are ripping me a new one I'll walk out the door no problem.
  2. hcjason

    r6 vs r6s?

    Thanks alot for he help guys, I will do some more research later bu I'mt on my phone at work now. I was kind of thinking that price was a little high also, it's an 05 raven. I love the bike but im not sure if I would pay that much for it. I also saw on the shops website the 08 r6s listed for 6 grand new thats why I was asking the differences between the two. Parks if I had all cash and not trade in and what not i would be interested, but unfortunatly I don't thanks alot for trying to hook it up though.
  3. Anyone have experience with them? I am looking at possibly buying a bike from them and was curious of everyones opinions of them. I have a friend that goes there but you can always use more than one opinion.
  4. hcjason

    r6 vs r6s?

    This may be a dumb question but what are the differences between the two? I didn't really start looking into it much but I figuredyou guys could help me out since I'm sure it's common knowledge to someone who knows sport bikes well. Thanks in advance guys. Also would $6500 for a 05 r6 raven with 5000 be a decent deal?
  5. R.i.p. and hope the family is doing well.
  6. hcjason

    Ktm 125 sx (for sale)

  7. Hey guys, I have been lurking and reading on here for awhile now. I have been trying to get my car back together to sell for money for a bike. I'm also trying to sell my ktm 125sx but that isnt going the greatest. Anways I came across a friend with 01 gixxer 750, it's in great shape but has almost 20,000 on it. What would you guys pay for it? He's asking 3800, I was think more like 3200 maybe? I know I am being kind of vauge not having more details but just curious to get an idea. Thanks in advance guys.
  8. hcjason


    From the album: ki 750

  9. hcjason

    ki 750

  10. Ahhh thats kind of what I was thinking but figured I'd ask anyways. I definitly plan on having my gear.
  11. I will have another car when I sell my integra nothing special but it gets me to and fro work. Dweezle hate to be a complete newb but what exactly do you mean by squid? I know how to ride somewhat or atleast have a little bit of and idea, I know riding a street bike is a whole different wold than a dirt bike. So I'm definitly down to learn from some people who know there stuff on a bike. As far as gear I am definitly all about it and being as safe as possible, any suggestions?
  12. Thanks for the warm welcome guys.....and you gotta love the teg specially a type r.
  13. Hey Whats going on everyone? I'm jay and I'm from the Youngstown area. I honestly only have a ktm 125sx rite now, but Im going to be gettin rid of my Integra GSR this summer and picking up a bike. I figured I'd register here and browse during the mean time. I'm sure I'll learn a few things. Anyone from the area give me a shout I'll be needing some people to ride with when I get my bike.
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