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Strictly Street

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Status Updates posted by Strictly Street

  1. I have no idea, I wasn't there.

  2. Doing ok.

    Got a temp job that has all the OT anyone could want.

    14 days in a row so far, and counting. Likely to hit 19 before a day off.

    Eh, it's raining anyway. Might as well make a buck.

    Course it is a temp job, no telling when it'll be over.

    So, busy like a bee, for now. :)

  3. Um, no. I wasn't on any sub.

    This was included to refer to the Great Depth Charging of Cleveland Avenue.

    An event where I was carrying water bottles on the back of my bike under a cargo net and then hit a bump and the bottles came out like depth charges.

    Looney who was behind me at the time referred to them as depth charges and so the myth was born...:)


  4. So cold out there I don't want to go out, let alone ride anywhere.

    Way to much ice! :(

  5. Nice to meet you and put a face to a name. Hope to see you and your other half on some rides this season. :)

  6. If its as simple as I think its going to be, wait hold that thought. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems (what was I thinking!) :)

    Tell you what, I should be free for the next few hours, give me a buzz and lets see what we are getting into first. 614-560-0630. If no answer, leave message (I might be on the bike.) I'll give you a buzz right back!

  7. Don't know, might have a work scheduling conflict. Waiting on a call....

  8. It was a great time, the bike did great except at the highway stuff, it gets up in the rpms and tops out too quick. But I knew that going into it, no problem. I'd say dehydration was our biggest problem, you, me and everybody else too.

    See you around town!

  9. Nice to meet you tonight at Bike Night.

    Great talking to you about some of those long rides you've been on.

  10. Keep an eye out for rides on the board.

    There just has to be a few left this season.

    Always up for a ride when I have the time! ;)

  11. Don't forget to get some tires _before_ you go flying around!

  12. pm me your number. Phone erased my conact list. You should have called me about the ride today! :)

  13. Hmm, I think I got about 4000 in this year. Not many but enough to keep me smiling.

    Ever notice the worlds troubles seem a little less important after a ride?

    Colors are brighter, food tastes better and other peoples jokes are funny, sometimes.

    For Halloween I thought I would be the 'Monty Python Chorus' I will just sing silly songs and drink beer. :) Failing that, I'll just drink beer.

  14. Want to do a "Twilight ride" some time?

    I heard you say you are full time student and work also.


    So what about a ride that started about 6pm and ended at 10pm?

    Maybe, say 200 miles to the east with a experienced rider leading.

    You could easily add group riding tech skills to your skill set.

    I rely upon you to promote this idea with other girl riders.

    Following a 30 year old bike can't be to tough.

    A thought....

  15. touching base. How you doing?

  16. Don't know yet, holiday schedule is still up in the air. It's on my calender as an event to attend if I can! :)

  17. Hey you! How you doing?

    Good holiday?

    Still parking your bike inside your living room?

  18. Why is everyone staring at the dude on the right?


    He must have said something right before the shot, IDK

    That is Tank, the admin for RideOhio.org can't imagine why he has that nickname. :)

  19. Winter takes so long to be over with. Went out and started mine yesterday.

    I think it missed me. :)

  20. School. All to soon that will be over and I'll be out there looking too.

    It doesn't look so great out there in the job market these days.

    Best of luck to you in your search!

  21. Glad to see you made it! :)

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