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About stoneyb

  • Birthday 03/20/1971

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  • Vehicles(s)
    k7 gsxr 750

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  1. pretty cool..props to casper..
  2. had like 3 sets of temps too..finally i got caught takin a girl on a ride...(think the laws changed since though)...statie gave me the "i've been a cop for 20 years" spiel..young guy on a new bike...made me push it up a hill to a church and call to get a ride...worst was leaving my bike...but forgot what the actual ticket was for...was like 100+ though...took my test 2 weeks later...like i said this was in 96...think its changed since and that was in the sticks...
  3. corrected for bad grammar by a guy spelling his name with 2 g's.....priceless..
  4. damn..whys it always gotta b a gix??..least dude in the pix is on a yammy..
  5. /sigh...must NOT reactivate account....nice guild name in video..lol
  6. storm 2 rumored for around xmas...i traded my iphone for a storm..and love it..it has bugs..and the .148 update didnt fix it all..but a great phone with a few quirks...i love mine...and use it on att so dont even get the 3g speed like my iphone..but dont miss it a bit..people just wonder how many more updates they'll have before go to the 2...push mail ftw!...nothing can touch rim in that area...
  7. stoneyb


    no...no tracks...like i said it continued out past 62..so uncertain how much longer it is...now this is weirding me out...
  8. stoneyb


    hmmmm...drunk posted last night...definitley not the dublin riverside road listed on the map...i followed three out of westerville to about 10 miles before mt.vernon...and hit it...nice curves,good roads...it spit me out on 62 about 5-10 mins north of johnstown....but continued on...thought for sure it was 257...anyone know the road i was i on:wtf:
  9. stoneyb


    this is a good road..rode it today from 3 to 62 and hated to turn off of it to head home....check it out..alot of bikes...
  10. this is funny shit..horde ftw!
  11. out there twice a day or so....r.i.p:(..prayers out
  12. now thats a awesome aviatar;)
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