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Everything posted by stoneyb

  1. i wouldnt say "hate"..i personally wave at everyone,right down to scooters..BUT..imho they're the ones usually that dont wave back..and some do..but from living over a "biker bar" once to having friends both young and old that has them...to me..they personify the "weekend warrior" type...that go out and buy everything harley davidson throw it on..grow a goatee,and throw on a doo rag...and instant bad-ass mentality..then they put 500 miles on it a year..and call it a riding season. but on the flip side...i've met some old school harley riders that will just sit around and talk bikes,and how much better harleys have gotten in build quality and are some of the coolest dudes you'll ever throw back a mason jar full of shine with:D... like i said..i love everyone and will still throw up a wave to anyone on 2 wheels..be safe
  2. site looks great..and had quick response back from a email question on friday on a product..tks guys
  3. went to kings island today..way down around 9-10 only a couple...but on the way back we counted 15 staties..,and 7 sheriffs.. and of the 50 harleys i seen on 71 today..i'd say only 5 had helmets on...was thinkin of the squid police everytime:D
  4. i seen something like that a few weeks ago..was big guys though..wife was pokin me the whole time laughing...but neither had helmets..blue/white r6..couldve been different people i suppose.
  5. r.i.p..prayers out to family and friends
  6. may try and get some up schmuck,if anything for the sheer entertainment purposes..i think i'm going to send it back...those connectors look too "worn" for me..though the clips for the injectors are ok...but tks..
  7. evening everyone..just put a slip on on the bike tonight..and was going to try this but figured i would ask..as i still have a few days to dispute.. bought a used power commander off ebay,describer as having plastic peeled back slightly for easy on/off..well it looks like my dog chewed on the connectors and though powered up and took a map..but the wire that goes into the tps that is supposed to have the snap down clamp that taps into the wire is missing the clamp and just a flat connector at the end of that wire(may have those at work)... but i read of a guy on gixxer that put on a version V and a few suggested soldering that wire as that wire had a tendance of losing connection slightly and causing rough idle,etc. so if i keep it..has anyone reading every soldered one in,or have any advice for that connection,and lastly is there a connection to the lower injectors in any certain order,the online pdf installation guide didnt say and didnt see any markings....tks for any help/opinions..
  8. jedi mind trick....love it..will try that one on them..ville cops been alright so far.. ..squid,lol..honestly i'd never heard that term til a month ago..friend had one down in portsmouth...and liked it..have a old zx6r once,and a 96 f3,so figured i'd try one...most ride in gear up here surprisingly...which is good...no back home in country...guess we were all "squidding" back in the day...ignorance of youth i blame... tks for the welcomes though..
  9. tks for the welcomes everyone..ummm cept that initiaton part*gulp*....
  10. hey all..wanted to introduce,give some shouts out...hoover dam area,blue/white 750..alot of riders around here it seems..anyone else seem like the genoa cops have it out for bikers?..lol. tks bryan for the quick reply on the tune info...pc and pipe in this week..lookin forward to the dyno..be safe everyone!
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