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Status Updates posted by socaln8tv

  1. hey there! great pics you posted... thanks for your discretion on that one. hope you are feeling better today!

  2. hey there! just ready your comment about the indy car... you only live one life baby!

  3. hey there! just wanted to say hello. ive been working/training like crazy and trying to adjust to new schedule with the kiddos. have to work till 9pm the night of the party and be back at work in easton sunday morning at 9am. if im able to make it, i could only stay a couple of hours but knowing how i feel getting off that late, i might be too tired. where is this place anyways, anywhere near easton?

  4. hey, how do you know that? they said it was an error but i never heard back from them. honestly i dont have time to hang on boards all day. i get into "one" that i like and thats enough...

  5. hey, thanks for adding me! btw, 2nd from left is one of my best friends! ;)

  6. hey! i want to sell my cruiser and get a ninja. not a new one but i can wait for the right one -- you know the kind that hasnt been dropped??? LOL. the one where my feet touch the ground.

  7. hey! nice meetin ya'll today .. fun group, better opp for socializing another time i suppose!

  8. hey! nice meetin ya'll today .. fun group, better opp for socializing another time i suppose!

  9. hi andrea. took me a day or two to find the swing of things on here. got some great advice from caspar by contacting him for help on the set up of the profile. he reminded me to intro myself. there really are nice people here but it is a site dominated largely by men. i get on well w/everyone and tend to let stuff ride cause im just not that serious unless its about my kids or my business. sorry you got so much shit for not doing the intro sooner. i go alot to the ladies only site, but i enjoy straying all over when i can too. btw, im kimberly and still rather new. but i like the site, im new to riding, and am getting my endorsement end of this month since i got a bike in may.

  10. hi chris. are you going to the auto show and the after party?

  11. hi sarah! having fun on your bike? i love having this site to check in on (in addition to the endless other social networks i have to support bc of my biz) This one is definetly the most fun. goin' camping this coming week in hociking hills on thurs and fri & r taking our bikes (and kids) it'll be fun, just hope it doesnt rain! i'll b sleeping n the back of my truck bc the campground called me & told me they SOLD US cabins that were not avail....on fathers day weekend too. i was a litle upset but we like this place and the people. wanted to say hello bc i'll leaving on biz and leisure for about 5 weeks. hope to make it back for honda homecoming (or im not sure what they are going to call it this year since the plant is closing/closed). not sure the presense i will have on the site while i am gone. thats why ill miss the girls ride i saw posted earlier this month. just wanted to pop n & say hello. what is new with you. have uhad a chance 2 meet any people n person?

  12. hi there! im home and just wanted to say hello. looking forward to spending some time back on the board

  13. hi there! just read your msg about the superhawk. it remains my greatest dillemma. but the torque-y-ness has become somewhat of an addiction for me. i love and hate this bike all the same.. hate only bc its so powerful and i can't touch ground.. luve it bc when im not on it, i want to be ;)

  14. hi there! cute screename and of course i have to comment on your avatar pic -- that is funny! love meeting people in marysville and surrounding areas. just learning to ride on the road and get sorted with the differences bt motox and streetbike riding! anyways, I'm kimberly

  15. hi there.. how do you like your sv? i love that bike but my feet do not touch ground

  16. i hear so much about this true blood show. btw, that avatar shot of the actors is pretty hot. no wonder its popular! i'll be working on a project for jpmorgan over in easton. it has not started yet.

  17. i might just do that come next spring. thanks for the contact and we'll look forward to it.

  18. i sat on the sv @ the dealer and we had a long conversation. he just affirmed my thoughts on lowering and its effect on handling. Im rather in a quandary. the 250ninja? what was i thinking. i was on crack for about 2 weeks i suppose. that being said, i may not get my sportsbike... at the end of the day, i need a bike that i can touch ground with. when i ride the superhawk, its so heavy, it leaves my calves burning when I try to support it at long lights on one leg leaning. one day last year after a good deal of cornering practice, i dropped it after i stopped. i rode too long and when i got off i was just too tired to support. im not unfit either. so we are shopping around and doing research right now. maybe a ninja 500 will satisfy. we'll see.

  19. i think our ride was more around tar hollow area. it was actually a novice ride from a group called http://www.ohio4x4.com/. this was after the ride and we were doing some after hours jaunt to a place called ....... "butt pucker."

  20. i was about to blame my kids there for a while!! thanks for giving me the fyi. imagine the look on my face coming out of the library and finding a harley sticker on my truck! ....one that i didnt put there! i once had my vehicle serviced at a dealer and when i picked it up, they helped themselves to putting one their chrome insignias on my vehicle without even asking! anyways, have a good one and btw, did we get introduced? i had a few glasses of merlot, but i was making an effort to meet everyone. -kimberly

  21. im only 5"2 so i'll be shopping for a ninja 250 next. its the only one stock that i dont have to lower. the hubs secretly wants me to have the SV. i love my bike. the cruiser was the first bike i was drawn too, that being said -- i f'n loooove my hubs superhawk. too much bike for me but hell, im in lust!!

  22. im overwhelmed with family and mostly work... trying to find time to ride can be challenging but i managed to get out sunday!! i loved it.. :)

  23. im used to a vtwin actually. i ride hubs honda superhawk 1000. i love it. i love it on sooo many levels. but its massively heavy and when i come to long stop lights, my calf aches bc i can only use one foot to hold up the bike. not really a safe option. im still only one year riding street. i grew up riding dirtbikes so i have plenty of mx experience behind me. street is so different thou. if i were taller, i would have so many more options. i hesitate to lower a bike, such as the sv, for fear of truly affecting overall handling. riding a bigger bike has so many advantages though. you just feel smoother and safer.

  24. just for you... i'll call her later tonite and let her know she is YOTA approved... but it'll be a while since she lives in PST. you boys are crazy but i truly appreciate the sprited effort!! lol

  25. just wanted to say hello from marysville as well. my class is august 21st, but ive been riding on a permit since mothers day. new to street, riding off road most my life.. totally dif. ballgame! well just wanted to touch base and say hope to ride with you ladies after i get my endorsement

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