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Posts posted by socaln8tv

  1. I'm a proud parent of several kids.... What's the difference between riding together or going out to lunch or dinner together in the same car?

    If you want to ride together then ride together, if you need an excuse not to ride use the faithful "woman" problems crap.

    I equate this to those nutless assholes that get married then cry when their bitch wife (which was their bitch girlfriend), tells them they need to stop riding.

    thanks for replying. there sure is alot of diversity in opinion on this site. i do appreciate it. or at least, try to examine each.

    imo, one can say that dining is mundane in some sort of way....because not every one rides, but everyone eats. and loving a hobby and doing it together goes miles... its all about spin and world view. thats how i see it. i couldnt agree more with you on people who marry and then bitch about the "SO's" afterward. I am a self-admitted bitcher' who quit all that drama. i see the light. fear is there, but like others have said in this thread, can't let it squash living life to the fullest, right all? -kimberly

  2. My wife was a passenger last year and was not comfortable with the notion that if we went down, we both go down. And suffer the children....

    In April she passed her test and rides along with me. The logic is there is less of a chance of both of us being taken out for a period of time(not that either of us are reckless in any way, but from the actions of cagers).

    She knows that this is in my blood and I do not plan to give it up,

    ---also I think a part of her wanted to join the mc club.

    The danger is out there and will never really go away but focusing on what may or may not happen will drive you nuts.

    Go and enjoy the ride!

    you're reply has been immensly helpful. im just trying to ground myself bc im finding myself completely wrapped up in this riding thing. im not a wild rider. in fact, probably, im too careful which can cause ones' undoing as well. but i do have my "foot on the break so to speak," even while today i got a taste of fwy riding on a vtr 1000.... which purrs like a kitten. you're logic and the way your express it in regards to your wife just clicked with me. i couldnt put it in words but you did for me. -- feedback i was looking for!!;)

  3. My Aunt recently wanted to take up riding last year. During the MSF course on a Rebel250, she slammed into the building wall and broke her foot. She decided that riding wasn't in her skills. Some people just don't have the required skills to be on 2 wheels or any piece of machinery. Simple fact that some refuse to realize. I'm just glad my Aunt was smart enough to realize that. She tried though.

    this could be consider a little anal, but ive actually dropped in on a class and observed the training from the parking lot. i want to be thoroughly prepared. my class isnt until end of august. :o

  4. The feel of the two are totally different to me. My sport bike is 600cc and the cruiser is 1100cc. The sport bike being a performance bike has way more pep and get up and go. I had to lower the sport bike 2" but I still cannot plant me feet completely flat. The bike is light enough for me to handle though.

    DH prefers to ride his cruiser. Riding different bikes has never been an issue. Regardless of which bike I'm on, I often take the lead and find myself having to slow down and wait for him to catch up. I think he would rather stay behind me though to keep an eye on me. He said when he's in front, he finds himself looking back to check on me alot when he should be looking forward.

    Does your DH have a sport bike, cruiser or both?

    DH has honda vtr 1000. its so dif. from the cruiser, which is a yamaha viagra (oops, i mean virago :p) 250...very modest, very much a starter bike and was bought for such. but im already feeling the advice so many has offered... that an upgrade would occur sooner for me than later. i love that your husband feels better behind you. it actually makes a lot of sense. i didnt see where you are located but we went up 315 from cbus and it is such a lovely ride. there's still alot of cbus, let alone ohio that i have yet to see.

  5. I ride with my daughter all the time since she was 4. I strap her along with me with a velcro belt (walmart used by the weight lifters). She wears full gear and full face helmet as well. I think magley saw her behind me in one bike night ride last year.

    hi kosmo, i enjoyed seeing your post.. last year my 4 year rode with dh in honda's final homecoming. i was a bit nervous but proud at the same time, you know? he wasnt strapped on but always always helmeted. good idea! im kinda militant about the full hand/jacket and face gear thing.... the last couple times out ive tinkered with the idea of riding pants bc on the way home, im always miserable it seems. its the bike. its the jeans.

  6. Wow you guys post fast!
    i appreciate all the fun banter and all the feedback ... and, ah-hem, getting to read into everyone's individual personality... there's alot goin on here and I still have a learners class to take and riding lingo to pick up on... like "gixxer?" sp? same as what squid rides? it'll all come together. :) -kimberly
  7. I don't have that problem. I have bigger ones... like trying to catch my wife. I wish I could text her and tell her to let me win once in a while. :(

    you guys sure must have alot of fun together. i cant imagine being faster than dh!

  8. Close...

    The greatest word in the English language is 'Cunt'. No other word possess the power to completely shut down a room full of bitching' date=' loud mouthed women.


    ... is this the way you guys "break in" so to speak all newbies on here!! lol :)

    i get it... this is how i envision my latest interview as secretary for a plumbing supply company

  9. I have both a sport bike and an cruiser. Two totally different but equally fun feels. Which one I ride is dependent on my mood. It's like giving yourself the best of both worlds. I'd also like to add an atv to the collection one day too. It was always fun to go out in the country and to four wheeling. Mark and I are kind of the same with cars. We have the all purpose truck, the commuter car, the sedan, the supercharged sports car, and even an old ass hooptie. We've joked about getting matching exotic cars if we end up not having kids. :D

    sonava -- you mentioned you had one of each. thats sort of our situation. i want so badly to learn to ride the sportsbike comfortably, and ive had a pretty good taste of the power behind the vtr. my bike is a starter but def. cruiser. i like my feet planted, and i have tendonitis so its more friendly on my wrists.. my question is thou -- when you and dh ride together, do you agree which bike to ride? and how compatible are your riding styles on dif. bikes? so far, dh is being very VERY patient!!! lol:o

  10. bikes a bike.. just enjoy riding..

    hoblick -- thats all i want to do! i like to use skiing as an analogy: ive never been a black diamond sort of girl, and the bunny slope puts me to sleep. I'll do a few rounds thru the moguls and love it but at the end of the day, I just want to go fast down the intermediate runs, and be upright to get back on the ski lift at the bottom.
  11. ninjanick= im the same way with the texting thing when dh is in southeast ohio for the day doing who knows what on god knows what road.... and there are many to choose from i know. I just ask for a simple "im on my way home" and im happy!

  12. i agree, i wish their was a better term than crotch rocket. can i just use "sports bike" instead? i need some pc terminology for this site! ps. thank you for your reply. ive been "educated" by dh , ironically verbatim in innuendo to your explanation of the reasons. i still want to ride both for different reasons. are there more like me out there?? i think ive seen a few.

  13. as parents of three young kids, i can't ignore my concern about dh and I riding together. about two years ago, i stopped nagging dh about riding his superhawk, and now, im actually "on his team" so to speak, so we can enjoy ourselves doing a hobby we can both really get into together. It's great fun. but the haunt/fear is still there. any other married couples in same boat with some solid advice?

    on a lighter note, one thing im just learning about is the silly politics between the riders', i.e. cruisers vs. crotch rockets, which i think is hillarious and infantile. i hope to ride both and appriciate the spirit and essence of both riding styles. I personally like the cool relaxed sytle of the cruiser, but the sexy allure of a crotch rocket is hard to resist.... yeah, they are hot. my hope is do supermoto but that won't get me far from home! lol

  14. 2fiddygirl.. someone to definetly aspire to!! well said on your signature!! LOL I love a sense of humor. im soooo not where you are yet in terms of ability. not sure i'll ever be! but nice bikes. anyways, Im Kimberly. Nice to meet you & everyone else... ok so here goes:

    Make: yamaha

    Model: virago

    Year: 2002

    Mods: none

    Mods to Come: none on this bike.. hope to upgrade after august training to bigger bike before riding season is over.. if im lucky... huney? .... ;)


  15. I'm Kimberly. Grew up riding dirt bikes, but I have finally taken the leap into street bikes so my husband and I can ride together. Learning alot but still have to wait till august for learning class over at the Honda Facility. Although my new bike is a 250, i actually learned on dh's bike first, a honda vtr 1000. His screen name is mcdoggy2000. im enjoying differences of both styles of bike but as he and a few others have said, i will need to upgrade sooner rather than later. i still prefer my feet on the ground with a cruiser over the allure of a sportsbike.

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