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Status Updates posted by socaln8tv

  1. just wanted to say hello. havent been on the site much bc of new job. cant commit to party bc i have to work till 9pm in easton but i really want to go. i'll play it by ear. i know you guys are going to really have a wonderful evening.

  2. lakers better bring it tomorrow!! ;)

  3. lol...jack gets more air time during games than the team!!!

  4. love your profile pic! how ya doing? got back on dh's superhawk 1st time after drop.... hestitant, but necessary.

  5. luv the new avatar! funny.

  6. mandie- i'll be at bar louie tomorrow night arriving around 830pm. super excited! cant wait for $5 martinis @ the park!! woo hoo!

  7. my daughter is the wild one, but ...that kind of compliment will get a girl by all week! ;)

  8. my kids n i r enjoying the scene in your signature with the boy on the couch and the dobby. pretty good!

  9. nice to finally put a face to the screen name! good meeting you. great story on pittsburg btw!

  10. No unfortunately....im overwhelmed with work and kids extracurriculars :(

  11. not sure you got my reply on your last question. looks like it was posted on my page... sorry for the goof. any how, lou adler is jack nicholsons bff -- he's the guys always sitting next to him with the hat and glasses. go lakers!! fans need to stand down... always an embarresment.

  12. Not yet! Been to busy at work and will be traveling quite a bit this month so it'd totally on the burner... :(

  13. oh ok. i remember you both! we did not have a formal invite, but trust me i kept trying to figure out which movie your costume was based on!! how funny - you answered for me.

  14. pretty low key -- black slacks/top but i was wearing black angel wings. i kind of showed later around 9pm thou

  15. thank you for adding me!

  16. thank you sara for the kind offer. i guess your in/near cbus somewhere. my husband and i want to go to bike nite at hooters in hilliard one of these days. although we never understand the idea behind offering a discount on booze to bikers... yeah...thats a good one. i needs' me a ride home when im drinking!

  17. thanks for adding me !!

  18. thanks for bein' my friend!

  19. thanks for the friend add!

  20. thanks for the kudos on the pics. i had an amazing summer with amazing people.

  21. The guy next to Jack is Lou Adler. Lou Adler is the owner of The Roxy Theatre in West Hollywood. He & Jack r bff.

  22. too funny! ha ha! lol -- you would be correct on a few of these housewives...

  23. trying to remember and keep trak. sorry!

  24. u were hilarious at the halloween party! good to meet you and your thrillbilly brother! oh and thanks for meeting me at the door, it was nice welcoming party...;)

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