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Status Updates posted by socaln8tv

  1. black crown vic with stripes? lol. i cant miss that in this town. u r killing me! welcome to OR! :)

  2. awwww -- there's that beee u tiful bike in the back ground... too busy to ride lately and my bike needs maintenance. i want a new bike! i want a ninja. yes. ive decided because its the only one my feet actually touch the ground on. miss ya girl!

  3. mandie- i'll be at bar louie tomorrow night arriving around 830pm. super excited! cant wait for $5 martinis @ the park!! woo hoo!

  4. hey there! just ready your comment about the indy car... you only live one life baby!

  5. are you headed up to the bike show with the hubs or on your own?

  6. you look soooo familiar. i just had to leave that msg! maybe you can place it?

  7. hey dollface! sorry i didnt get back sooner. ive been gone on a month long road trip and got back friday night at 3am. im exhausted. i'll be back online now that i am home and look forward to eventually meeting. ive got to get my business back running and clean house and than its all good! oh, but then there kids back to school. ah well. i'll be here!

  8. hey! i want to sell my cruiser and get a ninja. not a new one but i can wait for the right one -- you know the kind that hasnt been dropped??? LOL. the one where my feet touch the ground.

  9. im overwhelmed with family and mostly work... trying to find time to ride can be challenging but i managed to get out sunday!! i loved it.. :)

  10. your signature quote is worth sharing. u dont mind do you? even my girlfriends will appreciate that, but i'll be saving it for a good glass of merlot.

  11. hi there.. how do you like your sv? i love that bike but my feet do not touch ground

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