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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. Went to cabelas in dundee michigan for a RACS seminar today. It was an awesome class, they only hold it twice a year (once in april and once in october). You do have to be a licensed ccw or law enforcement to attend, but I would really recommend going, its worth the $100 bucks. Here's a link to their website (ignore the cheesy graphics) the content of the class is very good. It teaches you a lot of things you might not realize could happen in a gun fight and or the mindset and preparation you need to have to prevail.


  2. I think it depends on what software version of droid you have, whether or not it comes with swype. I was thinking about getting the new HD2, it also has swype, but its WinMo... :( but it does have a pretty sweet processor.

  3. 20,000 jobs to do what? You want AT&T to turn into the gov't and just pay people to dig ditches?

    OTOH, if they take away ALL the benefits above salary they offer to their current employees, they could save a bunch of money doing that too.

    you're missing the point, its bullshit legislation like this that handicaps the private industry from being able to provide jobs. Is it a wonder why the government is the only sector adding jobs? 16k IRS jobs?

    I should know better than to use logic and reason with you, you can't nail jello to a tree.

  4. Okay so I might be late to the game on this, as it looks like this first came out on android in late december? Anyhow... I got a mytouch last august before they came out with this program. Well I did a warranty exchange on my mytouch and it came loaded with a new keyboard called swype. At first I wasn't sure how to use it, upon further review this thing lets you type blazing fast on a touchscreen phone and is probably one of the coolest innovations I've seen for phones in a long time. Thought I'd post a video of an example.


  5. No it just comes out of my taxes every paycheck. Listen, I am not an anarchist, I realize that there has to be some govt for infrastructure and defense. But I don't need them to manage every aspect of my life for me. Some people might want that, I don't. Comparing the building of roads to the takeover of healthcare, and the failure of social security, medicaire, medicaid, amtrack, etc... is 2 completely different things. Btw... it was released today that social security will take in less this year than it pays out... this wasn't suppose to happen for another 4 years. Why didn't the government release this info before the healthcare vote? I even found the article on the huffington post for you so you'd find it credible :)


  6. I dunno... you said "these policies". There are certain things that are MUCH better state controlled than private. It's 'what exactly' and 'who' that we need to debate. All free-market and all-communism extremes would be bad. Everything tends to be bad if you do it to excess.

    You drove to work on a road this morning didn't you? Communist.

    oh the road that the state or local municipality paid a private contractor to pave? that road yes...

  7. i hate arguments like these because it means you're relying on the caliber of a gun rather than your training. Suppose you get in a gun fight, are you going to fire just one shot? Are you going to not try and group your shots in center mass? Yes a .45 has more stopping power, but rarely does a bullet just incapacitate someone so much so that it knocks them down and they cant return fire. I'm pretty sure you carry some nice .380 hollow points and put about 3 holes in someone's chest (because the time to fire 1 shot vs. 3 is miniscule to the trained shooter) you'll come to find the .380 does a great job. Don't rely on the caliber of the gun, rely on your training and preparedness. A .45 caliber doesn't mean shit if you can't hit what you're aiming for.

  8. this is definitions from the dictionary on my MAC (so since apple is a liberal company we can assume these are liberal definitions lol)

    This is a marxist def. of socialism:

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

    Here's their break down of communism:

    political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. See also Marxism .

    The most familiar form of communism is that established by the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution of 1917, and it has generally been understood in terms of the system practiced by the former USSR and its allies in eastern Europe, in China since 1949, and in some developing countries such as Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea. Communism embraced a revolutionary ideology in which the state would wither away after the overthrow of the capitalist system. In practice, however, the state grew to control all aspects of communist society. Communism in eastern Europe collapsed in the late 1980s and early 1990s against a background of failure to meet people's economic expectations, a shift to more democracy in political life, and increasing nationalism such as that which led to the breakup of the USSR.

    So we're not commies yet! we're just in a transitional state, and then when the country sees that these policies don't work for shit, we'll go back more towards a democracy.

  9. read page 205 of the bill. It has a Table of premium percentage and actuarial value percentages based on income. I tried to post the table in here but it didn't format right. That being said, its not completely "free". But if I bought a new ducati for 1k dollars you'd still say it was stolen. So when my tax dollars subsidize insurance costs for other people who refuse to work; I still look at that as a handout.

  10. The fact you think there are handouts involved like it's some sort of welfare program is what gives you away. No one said or thinks you aren't intelligent, I just said you don't know what's in the bill. Feel free to keep posting crap like that though and you may change my mind.

    I like the way you (and a bunch of others here) like to stereotype or pigeon hole someone onto some category without bothering to read what's being said amuses me. BTW I voted no in this poll. I bet that just boggles your mind.

    probably because you prefer a complete public option, the same way many of the democrats weren't on board when they were trying to get it through the first time.

  11. But didn't seek out the videos because I didn't feel like wanting to smack a baby holding a puppy with a flaming baseball bat. Then one of my buddies actually sent me links to the videos. Sad how despicable people are. It's one thing to think it, it's another to say it, and then there's this...

    do you have the video of the SLEIU member biting the finger off a veteran protesting healthcare at a town hall? It goes both ways...

  12. First I'm not a smoker anymore. Second, if I was I wouldn't smoke something as shitty as Newports and lastly I never claimed I've read the entire thing.

    newports was more or less a reference to the brand that is popularly smoked by those who receive the handouts already. That being said, the thing that drives me nuts about your guys' argument is ... "oh he disagrees with me, he must not be intelligent enough to have read the bill" It is so narcissistic of people like pelosi, and reid, you and Justin to assume that you know whats best for the American people and that trumps public sentiment. Fuck our constituents, we're going to vote along party lines. And what confuses me most is the same people that were bitching about George W. stomping on the constitution with the Patriot Act are looking the other way and keeping their mouths shuts when it comes to Healthcare and expanding our government. "OH bush is listening to our phone calls" But we'd love for Obama to have executive power to control the internet.

    I'm reminded of Sadaam Huessein's press secretary, who even when we were invading baghdad and you could see our soldiers in the background... he would proclaim how they were going to destroy the U.S. Liberals are so delusional about this. The writing is on the wall that our country is headed to the shitter and if it collapsed tomorrow, you all would say... oh grab your tin foil hat the sky is falling (but only mean it as sarcasm and call me the crazy person). I'm not looking to change your views, you're always going to feel that way and I'm not looking to win over "hearts and minds". I'm just venting. And so as a peace offering, I give you this video to enjoy for the night. Cheers.


  13. i disagree with the bill for a million reasons other than people who can't help themselves, but thats my point exactly... the government is an "enabler" for people who choose not to better their situation. It only enables them to continue to be a drain on society. Its like if you took an animal out of the wild to rehabilitate it in a zoo or something... leave it in the zoo too long and it becomes so dependent on not providing for itself that it can never be reintroduced to the wild. It's almost the same thing with the government and people who require government assistance.

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