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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. 5 pm Panini's in Sagamore Hills for food and drinks
  2. Alright, just got off the phone with Vulcan_Rider, given the past rides we've had with the rain (Fonzie's Wet and Wild Slabtastic Voyage) it's definitely not a good idea to leave this up to "Let's hope the rain is just in a certain area". Going to need to re-coordinate with Casper on a reschedule. But in the mean time, those of you who are close and want to cage it, we'll grab a beer and some chow at 5:00pm
  3. Well, this isn't looking too good... 80% chance of rain, with severe thunderstorms
  4. Hey maybe this Likwid guy occasionally gets something right
  5. Likwid


    This thread just got even more interesting
  6. When are you going to stop blaming the "host" for all the times you hit the wrong button Also, how's my DMCA request going?
  7. Likwid

    RIP Chachi

    RIP, always a shame when you lose someone from the community.
  8. Get rid of the "annoying a mod/admin" infraction, too subjective and could be abused if there was a personal beef with someone (additionally, Casper you asked for us to help moderate, so someone could argue by making 'annoying the mods' a rule you are making yourself unapproachable) Don't moderate R&R, move something, split something etc fine, but if you don't want people commenting in the public don't even have R&R. Too much of a temptation to have the forum section but not apply equal rules to when something is over the line or "closed" How about you make the R&R a members only, usergroup opt-in section? That way people can choose to ignore the whole forum.
  9. I wasn't going to call you out on it, but you're certainly not the only one. And I agree 100%, I'm usually the one to argue "there's shades of grey" but seems like there's a divide on some of the communication/policing because sometimes it's "you say this you're banned".... and then sometimes it's "well it's up to discretion" I expect it's 100% discretion, which brings up Casper's point about emailing admins/mods or reporting posts. But you're forcing us to rely on the people policing protect and serve right?
  10. but here's the thing... the last time That Dude posted something about the forums some of the mods said he was a complete waste of space etc etc etc. That's no different than him saying someone else is a waste of space right? JUST SAYING
  11. Information Technology Pfew, I'm glad I got a degree in anything else lol, I still know people who are the COBAL experts at work... yah, that's going to last a LONG time
  12. This thread is full of fail Top 10 Occupations in the US by salary and benefits in 2009 1. Systems Engineer 2. Physician Assistant 3. College Professor 4. Nurse Practitioner 5. IT Project Manager 6. CPA 7. Physical Therapist 8. Network Security Consultant 9. Intelligence Analyst 10. Sales Director A lot of of those groups weren't even on the list! Engineer Teacher/Professor Finance/Accounting Sales Plus Marketing/Business Administration
  13. I saw that on cracked as well... didn't think to cross post it though cuz I figured this was locked by now lol
  14. Hi, you must be new here. You attempted to refutiate a political thread with logic. who else saw what I did thar?
  15. lol @ Casper.... he's finally on the other end of a lame repost !
  16. Should this be in ranting and raving? From what I can tell you're certainly ranting.
  17. blah blah blah bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine shut the fuck up and ride your motorcycle
  18. http://paccw.home.mindspring.com/ Mercer County has great processing time
  19. How long you have? Pennsylvania permit covers GA and if you have your OH permit it only takes a stamp and a check to get a PA permit (got mine in <14 days)
  20. HandGunlaw.us Buckeye Firearms Ohioans for Concealed Carry
  21. Ditto, I have my PA permit... TX doesn't say resident permits only so I'd have to double check as well.
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