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Posts posted by jacknjinx

  1. How about getting your posts in the double digits before spouting off.

    Sorry didnt know you needed some kind of seniority to post on here... I'll calm down I aplogize to everyone if I've offended any of you. It just really bugs me when I hear a cop act like their above the law. :violin:

  2. Most laws are in place for the reason of protecting the public. You argue that speeding laws do not protect the public? Most traffic crashes are due to excessive speed of the offender. The person who was struck by the speeding offender through no fault of their own now has a financial burden placed upon them.....if not actual injury. This is no harm? That is why speed limit laws are in place....not as you obviously believe to generate revenue. Quotas are a fabrication of the liberal media. They do not exist. It is illegal to have a quota. Now productivity on the other hand is different. If I have an officer out for 8 hours and he doesn't pull over anyone for speeding....or other offenses, he's plain not doing his job. It's not a quota, but at some point neglect of duty will become an issue.

    If you don't want a ticket, slow down. Simple as that.


    Your a just another complete douchbag cop who thinks he's out their saving the world one ticket at a time! Tell me you have never gone over the speed limit!?!? Do us all a favor, get off the site and go hang out with Simone! :bigfinger:

  3. :dunno: - Umm...in some jurisdictions "traffic cops" serve their purpose to their community, if that is one of the issues that the community is having i.e. someone speeding through their neighborhood or excessive speeding on their local roads they are there for your safety and for the safety of others. The purpose of writing traffic citations is to prevent traffic accidents whether its clear to the public or not - most use the citation revenue scapegoating to bitch about their f-up. Now I will also disclaim there are certain jurisdictions that do rely on traffic tickets for extra money because they do not have other sources of income for the municipality...if they didnt rely on ticket revenue they would not be able to function as a department and to respond to calls of service when people are truely in dire need of help - being robbed, burglarized, assaulted, etc etc. :popcorn:

    I definately agree that in residential neighborhoods and things like that, I should have been more clear that I was aiming that more toward highway... But Townships like Lyndale thats revenue is like 80% from traffic citations shouldnt even exist..

  4. gubnant...lol awesome.

    The problem with a democratic process is if 51% of the voters want all people named Bill to wear blue they can make it happen... doesn't mean the enforcement of it will hold up but w/e

    The shitty part is that everyones so scared about getting a fine its very seldom you can find a bar that will let you smoke, I only know of 3 or 4...

  5. THESE COPS HAVE WAY BETTER THINGS TO DO!!! I have ZERO respect for traffic cops! Now before I get a negative response to this hear me out... I can understand being cited for excessive speeding and other things where you actually pose a threat to society, but just cruisin 15 MPH over on a clear sunny day with no traffic... And with all the responses of people who think this is allowed it's not! Not in the ENTIRE state of Ohio! They do it all the time and you can try to fight it in court but to a judge or magistrate it's your word against theirs and who do you think their going to believe?

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