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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. Well I work in a professional place but for some reason they are cool with tats and piercings lol so idk ha
  2. I have been debating wether or not to get a half sleeve done lol. I want something colorful and pretty ...what are you thoughts on woman having sleeves? Just curious..
  3. Bhobs

    WTB couch

    Looking for something that can handle 3 big dogs. Prob something that we can put a slip cover over..what do you guys have? Something cheap to
  4. what are you gana get?
  5. thanks buy her one for easter lol
  6. just random stuff lol the most painful was my side piece it took like 3 hrs it was awful..the stars were nothing compared to it LOL. http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/tat-1.jpg
  7. I like the colors...I bet the inside of the arm hurts like a mother lol.
  8. I am not all about all of my tattoos mean anything its more of an art I think but thats just me
  9. I may be interested let me talk to the husband
  10. I think this is my last one ...but who knows http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/SL370649.jpg
  11. Bhobs

    WTB TV

    u have a pic? can you hook a dvd player to it? where are you located?
  12. Bhobs

    WTB TV

    I am looking for something small for my workout room...must be able to hook a dvd player to it for my workout dvds. Maybe 19inch or bigger.
  13. Bhobs

    want to trade

    I found someone on craigslist that traded me im good to go
  14. I used to hate guns until I shot one..now I love it
  15. Bhobs

    want to trade

  16. I had a treadmill but I got rid of it bc it was junk. I want to trade my elliptical for a treadmill.
  17. yes I picked it out for my Christmas present
  18. Bhobs

    WTB Treadmill

    no I am keeping the elliptical still I like to switch it up ya know. I did find a treadmill for cheap to so im good
  19. can spend up to $200 thanks!
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