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Posts posted by Bhobs

  1. In MY opinion, it is not professional. You WILL be limited in career choices, on first impression alone. If your career is ink friendly, go for it!


    However, if it is something you can always cover up (long sleeves), and you are okay with it, go for it!




    PS - Pics once you get it! :D



    Well I work in a professional place but for some reason they are cool with tats and piercings lol so idk ha

  2. Im no bitch but the first one we did laying down it was easy money, She said it was at an akward angle so the second one I sat up.



    Shit hurt pretty good,





    Worth it I love em


    Next is my pinup girl with a rat rod...


    What are the other 7 inks you got?


    just random stuff lol the most painful was my side piece it took like 3 hrs it was awful..the stars were nothing compared to it LOL.



  3. Nice. Heres the place my wife frequents located in Indianapolis...http://www.volutatattoo.com/Voluta_Tattoo%3A_Fine_Art_Tattoo,_Indianapolis/Welcome_to_Voluta_Tattoo%21_Indianapolis_Fine_Artists_and_Tattooists,_Stutz_Artists,_Downtown_Indianapolis.html


    And here's her work...http://gallery.mac.com/conanlea#100457/Brandy-20White3&bgcolor=black


    she does good work :)

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