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Mr Anderson

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Posts posted by Mr Anderson

  1. that thing isn't going to be cheap. I voted ps3. its totaly wireless strait out of the box no usb adapter for it to be wireless. there is nothing wrong with psn. why would you complain about something that is free. I have an original ps3 60gig. it has sd card slots and it even plays ps2 games. you can find a ps3 40gig for 299 also that can do most of the same it just dont have a card reader and it don't play ps2 games

    I agree with you about the 60gig ps3. PSN online is free but you pay for xbox live servers. Its 50 dollars a year. Cheap. PSN servers are super slow and I hate having to update plus some of the updates brick your ps3. The PS2 is still out selling the ps3 and that is the reason Sony stoped backwards compatibility. Sony also made it free for developers to make games on the ps2. This means that they don't have to pay sony at all for making a ps2 game. Its all about money and the ps2 is cheap to make. Sony was losing money on the ps3. The xbox 360 system has been making money. Another thing about ps3 controllers being wireless is not always a good thing. If you use a lot like my friends do. The controller will have issues and randomly shut off. It starts to lose its charge but that is after having it for a while. I am not a sony hater. Its just things that I have seen with the ps3.

  2. They have been working on it for years now and that the wii came out first with it. It will destroy the Wii and they showed people using it. It was awesome. Plus lots of game developers are talking about making games for it.

  3. Get the xbox 360. Its better then the Wii and PS3. I have all the systems. Plus xbox 360 is coming out with its new motion sensor that makes the Wii look like childs play. Its more advanced and 10 times better graphics. Its more powerfull then the wii. Stick with xbox live and facebook and netflix hooked up with xbox live. I work at a gamestore and PS3 games don't even sell if that same game is on the 360. Just my thoughts.

  4. Bioshhock 2 looks amazing and assassins creed 2 looks like its going to be the same as the first. Not only do you play as a big daddy but you play as the first big daddy ever created and you can harvest little sisters or carry them with you. The first Bioshock was a work of art and simply game of the year.

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