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Posts posted by KZ900

  1. I hate that phrase, the cops work for us we pay their paychecks. I didn't realize cops didn't pay taxes.

    You might hate it but its true. Too many Cops think they are above the law and have the ability to make up laws because they have a badge. In the name of safety they can decide to take away all your freedoms that the constitution gives us when they have no right to do it. What if that kid asked the Cop to take a blood test or search the officer for drugs? If he ried to search the Cop he would be told no and have his head busted in. But the Cop feels its ok to search him, his vehicle, and his record for absolutely no reason other than the fact he happened to be driving down that road. We continue to allow this to happen while Cops take more and more away. It sounds like you are a Police Officer. Do you feel you have special rights over people? Are Cops above the law? Why are they even allowed to do this?   

  2. Somewhere along the way Cops have forgotten that they work for us. We pay the bills. Because they have a badge, we have to provide them with our papers because they said so. Nobody Polices the Police and they are free to do what they want at no risk. Even if they do get sued the tax payer pays the bill and they get maybe get a slap on the wrist, some anger training and a paid leave of absence.  They are high paid meter maids. The good ones are few and far between and getting more scarce by the day. Time for people to wise up and take control back and hold them accountable. The Pig in the video shown should be in jail. Never to hold a badge of any kind again. Lose his pension as well. He is out of control garbage as a high percentage are.

  3. Every time I see some tool texting and drifting in and out of the lane I think about selling the bike. I love it when they are texting and leave a huge gap in front of them at a light. You pull into the gap and they honk and road rage you when the light turns.  Riding a Motorcycle actually has turned into a game of survival.

  4. And once again you just don't get it' date=' so let me say it slowly and clearly for you....

    I D-O-N-T C-A-R-E I-F T-H-E-Y W-A-N-T T-O C-H-E-C-K M-Y F-U-C-K-I-N-G I-D.

    So how about you quit calling me names, and quit running your mouth

    about something that isn't going to change my mind anyway. :nono:

    This is all a moot point because I don't open carry anyway, I didn't take

    the CCW course to open carry :rolleyes:[/quote']

    I think you might suffer from this common condition:

    Stockholm syndrome, or capture–bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.[1][2] The FBI's Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly 27% of victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.[3]

    Stockholm syndrome can be seen as a form of traumatic bonding, which does not necessarily require a hostage scenario, but which describes “strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other.”[4] One commonly used hypothesis to explain the effect of Stockholm syndrome is based on Freudian theory. It suggests that the bonding is the individual’s response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they no longer become a threat

    • Upvote 1
  5. I'll never understand why people think being asked to show ID is

    "having your rights infringed". These open carry situations that go

    bad do so because people simply want to play games with the LEO's

    and refuse to show ID. Just show the guy your damn id' date=' he can make

    sure you are not a felon and everybody can go about there business :nono:[/quote']

    Your not really serious are you? You think you should have to show identification for no reason at anytime? Who gave him the right? Why would he ask in the first place? His asking alone tells you he has a personal adjenda.

  6. What agenda did the cop have?

    That he is God and you will do what he tells you too. And if you don't he will make the rules not you. Some Cops think they are above the law. I still say the video saved this guy's ass. What made the Cop ignore his rights? I say his God complex. He sure didn't care about his rights as he ignored them when he knew it.

  7. Call me a responsible gun owner then.....because my ID and my CHL will be with me when I am packing, and if I am being requested to show it by law enforcement I will. Do I have to be happy about it "NO", but this would have been a non issue and a much better happy ending had he just complied. Open carry simply is not the norm around most parts, and I think it is foolish to do so if just only for the obvious reason. Go walk around with a machete or a big axe and see if that doesnt draw unwanted attention as well, I see no difference legal or not.

    It should be the norm. The Cop had an adjenda of his own that was against his and your rights. The guy filmed it. Had he not the Cop would have lied and the guy would be in jail for something or dead. Don't defend the Cop in the wrong. He should know the law and I am sure he did. He took his ego to a video shoot and is going to lose. That's why the charges were dropped. By the way..... Cops are public servants. The more freedom you give them the less you will have. You need to police the police.

  8. Why won't people admit this guy is looking for trouble? He has YouTube videos showing what he is doing. Officers are nowhere near perfect. Acting the way he does, things may escalate rather quickly one day, and bite him in the ass.

    If he wants to educate police departments, there are better ways than this. If he wants to educate the public, there are better ways as well.

    I never contended his right to OC. I don't think holding him briefly(the way he was acting), infringed on his constitutional rights. The charges were dropped.

    I am pro-gun and pro-carry. I just hate how some people think anyone that carries is infallible.

    The Cops were looking for trouble when they violated his right to open carry. The Police work for us we do not work for them. They are our paid servants to protect the rights of the people. They are very familiar with open carry. All people should open carry at 4am when in a bad area. If they did it wouldn't be a bad area long. I hope the guy wins big if the courts find the Cops are guilty.

  9. Stop being a douche. If your god needed defending' date=' he'd call on an arch-angel to do his dirty work. Don't get all "first born of Egypt" on us. Fucking relax. Jesus Christ. :facepalm:[/quote']
    KZ900 likes to either edit or delete all his posts, don't believe me go look at his post history. If I remember right, he was wanting to beat some members up for talking smack to him, or maybe because people didnt agree with him and giving a hard time. Bunch of jokers on this forum, many of which who know eachother, and very few make disrespectful and vile posts when not appropriate, I shall plead the 5th on whom that may or may not be.
    PC is whats wrong with this damn country. Very few people have a sense of humor anymore.

    Clean the sand out of you vagina's, put your big girl panties on, and deal with it.

    If your offended because of something someone said, then its because you wanted to be offended.

    My idea of great time is not Virgins, but very disease free, sexy sluts.


    Catholics butt fuck children. Maybe their nuns deserve to live with hajis.... Oh shit, hope I didn't offend anyone ... Oh wait, I really don't give a fuck

    Quit crying, Nancy.

    I don't have any problem sending them to their 72 Catholic nuns.
    It's time for you to shut the fuck up and change your panties. :rolleyes:

    Wow all I did was defend some Nuns and this is what happens.

  10. Oh, now you're making gay jokes huh? It's wrong to make a Catholic joke but okay to make a gay one huh.

    Notice posts counts and join dates. I think people know me a little better around here.

    You are correct it was poor taste. Edited. Serving up 72 Catholic Nuns only hours after a bombing to terrorists really hit me as wrong and underhanded. So I mentioned it. I guess it ok so long as it doesn't offend you and your friend. Still trying to fathom why someone finds humor in Women who have devoted their lives to God and then their nephew throws them to the terrorists in the after life. Maybe its just me but I just cannot make the connection

  11. Lighten up Francis. You sound like the up right political correctness type of person.

    Actually they are quite proud. I could give you my resume and the things I've seen and done or you could understand that it wasn't a joke against Catholics it was a joke against Muslim terrorists getting screwed over in the end anyway.

    Hope I didn't hurt your feelings to much buddy. :rolleyes:

    You did not hurt my feelings. I just consider the source.

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